Machine is a go library to write state Machine. The idea came to me when I watched Rob Pike's Lexical Scanning in Go. So the basic idea is that you create a State Machine and start with initial state. Every state either generates a new state or stops the system. There are no errors coming from state Runtime. Since an error can lead to another state.
I tried to provide a simple and powerful interfaces so one can easily extend the state Runtime into next level.
there are only 1 interface which help me to abstract the complexity of state Runtime.
type Runtime interface {
//NextState by calling NextState, State Machine goes to another state.
//one thing to remember, once you call this method, you are no longer
//in that state. Make sure that you are nor doing anything right after this
//Passing nil to State tells the Runtime that this is the end of state machine.
NextState(context.Context, State)
//return the current context of Runtime.
Context() context.Context
//Fork run each state as initial state of unique Runtime.
//I does not block, if you want to block until all of them are done,
//pass the array of runtime to Join function.
Fork(context.Context, ...State) []Runtime
And also the main type of my state Runtime State
which is a simple function that accepts Runtime
as the only argument.
type State func(Runtime)
by just having these 2 things, we can easily build any state Runtimes.
- implement a distributed version of state Runtime using this interface
- implement more examples