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Aliyun FunctionCompute Php SDK

Latest Stable Version Build Status Coverage Status


The SDK of this version is dependent on the third-party HTTP library guzzlehttp/guzzle.

Running environment

  • PHP 5.6+.
  • cURL extension.


The recommended way to install fc-php-sdk is through Composer.

$ composer require aliyunfc/fc-php-sdk

You can also declare the dependency on Alibaba Cloud FC SDK for PHP in the composer.json file.

 "require": {
      "aliyunfc/fc-php-sdk": "~1.2"

Then run composer install --no-dev to install the dependency. After the Composer Dependency Manager is installed, import the dependency in your PHP code:

 require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

Getting started


require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
use AliyunFC\Client;

// To know the endpoint and access key id/secret info, please refer to:
$fcClient = new Client([
    "endpoint" => '<Your Endpoint>',
    "accessKeyID" =>'<Your AccessKeyID>',
    "accessKeySecret" =>'<Your AccessKeySecret>'

// Create service.
Create function.
the current directory has a file (main.php which has a function of my_handler)
set environment variables {'testKey': 'testValue'}
        'functionName' => $functionName,
        'handler' => 'index.handler',
        'runtime' => 'php7.2',
        'memorySize' => 128,
        'code' => array(
            'zipFile' => base64_encode(file_get_contents(__DIR__ . '/')),
       'description' => "test function",
       'environmentVariables' => ['testKey' => 'testValue'],

//Invoke function synchronously.
$fcClient->invokeFunction('service_name', 'function_name');

Create function with initializer.
the current directory has a file (main.php which hava functions of my_handler and my_initializer)
set environment variables {'testKey': 'testValue'}
        'functionName' => $functionName,
        'handler' => 'index.handler',
        'initializer' => 'index.initializer',
        'runtime' => 'php7.2',
        'memorySize' => 128,
        'code' => array(
        'zipFile' => base64_encode(file_get_contents(__DIR__ . '/')),
        'description' => "test function with initializer",
        'environmentVariables' => ['testKey' => 'testValue'],

//Invoke function synchronously.
$fcClient->invokeFunction('service_name_with_initializer', 'function_name');

//Create trigger, for example: oss trigger
$prefix = 'pre';
$suffix = 'suf';
$triggerConfig = [
    'events' => ['oss:ObjectCreated:*'],
    'filter' => [
        'key' => [
            'prefix' => $prefix,
            'suffix' => $suffix,
$sourceArn = 'acs:oss:cn-shanghai:12345678:bucketName';
$invocationRole = 'acs:ram::12345678:role/aliyunosseventnotificationrole';
$ret = $fcClient->createTrigger(
        'triggerName' => 'trigger_name',
        'triggerType' => 'oss',
        'invocationRole' => $invocationRole,
        'sourceArn' => $sourceArn,
        'triggerConfig' => $triggerConfig,

//Invoke a function with a input parameter.
$fcClient->invokeFunction('service_name', 'function_name', $payload='hello_world');

// Invoke function asynchronously.
$fcClient->invokeFunction('service_name', 'function_name', 'hello world', ['x-fc-invocation-type' => 'Async']);

// List services.

//List functions with prefix and limit.
$fcClient->listFunctions('service_name', ['prefix' => 'hello', "limit" => 2]);

//List triggers
$fcClient->listTriggers('service_name', 'function_name');

//Delete trigger
$fcClient->deleteTrigger('service_name', 'function_name', 'trigger_name');
//Delete function
$fcClient->deleteFunction('service_name', 'function_name');
//Delete service.


To run the tests, please set the access key id/secret, endpoint as environment variables. Take the Linux system for example:

$ export ENDPOINT=<endpoint>
$ export ACCESS_KEY_ID=<AccessKeyId>
$ export ACCESS_KEY_SECRET=<AccessKeySecret>
$ export ACCOUNT_ID=<AccountId>

For details, refer to client_test.php

Run the test in the following method:

$ phpunit

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