This project was bootstrapped with Create React App, using the Redux and Redux Toolkit template.
The React Loader Spinner was implemented to render a spinner while API requests are being made. This spinner was created in a separate component, and can be imported and rendered from other components when necessary. There is no need to pass any props to the spinner component for it to work properly. For example, you could import it in a different component like this:
import Spinner from './Spinner/Spinner';
const OtherComponent = () => {
export default OtherComponent;
To be able to view alerts in a standardized way. An alert service was created. Using the library: sweetAlert
Type of Alerts:
Confirmation Function:
alertServiceConfirm(title, confirmButtonText) parameters • Title a string is passed with the text it will be the explanation of the action to be confirmed (“string”) can use html (“Seguro quiere borrar el archivo”) • confirmButtonText A string is passed that will be inside the button both in the button of the first alert and in the second confirming the action • If this second parameter is not passed by default, the first button will be Confirmar and the second alert will say Hecho. And the second button will be No Confirmar the second alert will say “No se han Hecho Cambios” -
Error Funcion:
alertServiceError(title, text) parameters • Title a string is passed with the text ("string") you can pass html (" HTML example ") • Text a string is passed with the text ("string") you can pass html (" HTML example ") -
Information Funcion: alertServiceInfoTimer(position, icon, title, showConfirmButton, timer) parameters • Position where will the popup window will be display. Default Center options 'top', 'top-start', 'top-end', 'center', 'center-start', 'center-end', 'bottom', 'bottom-start', or 'bottom-end'. (“string”). • Icon Default Undefined options 'warning', 'error', 'success', 'info', and 'question' (“string”). • Title a string is passed with the text ("string") you can pass html (" HTML example ") • ShowConfirmButton default is true. If false is set, the confirmation button will not be shown to close the window (Boolean).. • Timer default undefined a time is set in milliseconds after which the popup window will close. (number). Modo de usarla importar la funcion
import { alertServiceError, alertServiceInfoTimer, alertServiceSimple } from '../Alert/AlertService'
use the function with the described parameters
<button onClick={() => alertServiceInfoTimer('top-end', 'success', "HTML example bold text", false, 2000)}>alertServiceTimer
In the project directory, you can run:
Runs the app in the development mode.
Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser.
The page will reload if you make edits.
You will also see any lint errors in the console.
Launches the test runner in the interactive watch mode.
See the section about running tests for more information.
Builds the app for production to the build
It correctly bundles React in production mode and optimizes the build for the best performance.
The build is minified and the filenames include the hashes.
Your app is ready to be deployed!
See the section about deployment for more information.
To use the skeleton loader, first import the component from / skeleton / Skeleton .jsx. When you want to use skeleton, use the tag.
Recommendation when rendering and using keep the final structure. Example:
<Table striped bordered hover className="align-middle">
<th className="text-center"><Skeleton/></th>
<th className="text-center"><Skeleton/></th>
<td className="text-center"><Skeleton/></td>
<td className="text-center"><Skeleton/></td>
- Render title component to check component render success.
- Send form without information to check errors responses.
- Send data & get error to check error in method.
- Send & ok process to check success response.
LoginForm.js was tested using React Testing and Jest libraries. It was checked that the file renders correctly through verifying the existence of the input labels. It also displays alert messages when the user tries to submit the form without completing all of its fields. Finally, the test confirms that the user is correctly redirected to home page after successfully submitting its data through clicking the "Login" button.
Implementation detalis of the test:
- If user isn't logged in show only public and guest links.
- If user is logged in guest links must not appear.
- Backoffice links appear only when admin is logged in.
It `s tested using React Testing and Jest libraries.
Implementation detalis of the test:
- Rendering edit form.
- Data submitting without completing the inputs.
- Correct data submitting returns success message.
-Tested file: ContactForm.js -Form Tested using React Testing and Jest libraries -Implementation detalis of the test:
- If user tries to submit the form without completing all requiered fields a messages is rendered.
- If user submit and get error from petition or from api.
- If user submit and success to save a new contact.
The registration form’s correct functioning is checked with three different tests. The first one checks if the form, after filling all the input fields correctly, doesn’t show an error message. The second ascertains that, in case the fields are left blank, the corresponding error messages are shown and the form’s submit button is disabled. The last one makes sure that, when all the form fields are completed correctly, the submit button isn’t disabled.
- Test that the fields are empty when there is no id passed in the url.
- When an id is passed in the url, the fields are filled with the data of the activity, the service getActivity is called and the data is displayed in the fields.
- When the user clicks the "Save" button but the fields are empty, alerts messages are displayed.
- When the user clicks the "Save" button and the fields are correctly filled, the service createActivity is called and a success message is displayed (an id is not passed in the url).
- When createActivity is called and the fields are not correctly filled, alerts messages are displayed.
- When the user clicks the "Save" button and the fields are correctly filled, the service updateActivity is called and a success message is displayed (an id is passed in the url).
- When updateActivity is called and the fields are not correctly filled, alerts messages are displayed.