Display current weather an forecast on TTGO T4 display.
This is an adaption of the application ESP32_OWM_Current_Forecast_29_epaper_v7 for the TTGO T4 display.
Assuming that you have a Projects folder, perform the following"
cd ~/Projects
git clone https://github.com/allenck/ESP-T4-Weather.git
cd ESP-T4-Weather
git submodule update --recursive
cp sdkconfig.ttgo-t4-v13 sdkconfig
git_idf # or [see "getting Started")](https://docs.espressif.com/projects/esp-idf/en/latest/esp32/get-started/index.html?highlight=get_idf#get-started-set-up-env)
cmake .
idf.py menuconfig
In the menuconfig page, select "Component config".
Next, select "ESP-T4-Weather Application parameters" then on the following page, enter the appropriate values:
- Your WiFi's SSID and Password.
- Number of times to retry logging on to WiFi.
- Your geographic location's latitude and longitude.
- The name of your location to be displayed.
- Whether you want values like temperature, wind speed, pressur displayed in Metric or Imperial units.
- Your API key that you obtained from regitering at openweathermap.org. Save and exit menuconfig.
If you use Qt Creator, a Qt Cteator .pro file, "ESP-T4-Weather.pro" is provided.