##WH3Music A simple Flask app designed to be run on a Raspberry Pi. It plays music on the Raspberry Pi itself while users on the website manage the playlist.
###Installation Instructions
$ git clone https://github.com/allevitan/wh2music.git
$ sudo wh2music/setup.sh
setup.sh will install any unmet dependencies and set up the app's music database and directories
$ wh2music/run.py --help
- mplayer
- virtualenv
- mplayer.py
- Flask, Flask-SQLAlchemy, and Flask-WTF
- gevent and gevent-socketio
Only mplayer and virtualenv will be installed system-wide by the setup script (if not already present). The rest of the dependencies will be installed in a virtual environment in the 'wh2music' directory.
###The app currently includes
- Collaborative playlist management.
- A simple ajax-based song uploading interface.
- A simple music player
- A small built-in music library, including 4'33" by John Cage.
###Future commits will bring
- Less opaque control over the music
- A better upload experience
- Documentation.