NEXTSim is a Geant4/ROOT based software devoted to simulate and optimize the performance of the NEXT neutron detector
- Xiadong Zhang
- Kyle Schmitt
- David Pérez Loureiro
- Realistic simulation of scintillation detectors
- Diferent geometries available
- SiPM readout
$git clone
will clone the GitHub repository to your computer and will create the NEXTSim folder
Create the build directory and change to it
$mkdir NEXTSim-build
$cd NEXTSim-build
Generate the Makefile using cMake
$cmake -DGeant4_DIR </pathToGeant4Instalation/lib/Geant<version>> </pathToNEXTsimSource>
Compile the code
- Issue Tracker:
- Source Code:
If you are having issues, please let us know.
NEXTSim is distributed under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public Licence version 3 (LGPL)