Always a work in progress
Arch btw.
My preferred Sans Serif font is Google's Product Sans, and for monospace I find myself using JetBrains Nerd Font for the ability to have both ligatures and emojis/symbols.
rofi password prompt
rofi emoji picker (stolen from here)
rofi wallpaper picker (sets using xwallpaper)
DE/WM: i3-gaps (looking to move to dwm)
Bar: polybar
Theme (GTK2/3): Zukitwo-dark
Icons (GTK2/3): Papirus-Dark
Cursor: Breeze
Terminal: st
Notifications: dunst
Login Manager: ly
File Manager: lf & Thunar
I would recommend cloning using this command:
git clone --depth 1 [HTTPS/SSH link]
This'll get you my dots downloaded with no unnecessary history.
From there, copy the files or symlink them with ln -sf
to get yourself up and running.
It's always well worth a re-log if you change .profile
(be it editing mine or replacing yours with mine)
I have an alias in my aliases files which lets me use Git nicely to track the files simply by calling dots-git
For how to set this up for yourself, see the ArchWiki. All hail the ArchWiki