- This is Murmur2 hash wrapper for Python.
- This was forked and extended from https://www.github.com/orion46/murmur2
If you want to install Murmur2, execute the following script.
python setup.py install
- Python >= 3.8
- numpy >= 1.22
Before you use murmur2py3, all you have to do is to import murmur2py3.
import murmur2py3
I have inplamented one function, murmur64_a. The following script is a simple example of using murmu64_a
murmur2py3.murmur64a("test", 4, 100)
First argument, "test", is input.
Second argument, 4, is the length of first argument.
Third argument is a seed. If you set a different seed, murmur64_a returns different hash value.