DIY USB HID controller for aviation simulators.
Has a standard USB joystick interface with up to 128 buttons, 2 encoders, 4 switches.
All done with inexpensive parts, easily obtainable at Chinese online shops.
Based on Pro Micro, with the 3D printable expandable modular case.
The device can provide up to 128 buttons. Each rocker/toggle switch counts as 2 buttons, each encoder counts as 3 button. So the formula is:
#if ((KEYPADS_NO*16)+(ENCODERS_NO*3)+(SWITCHES_NO*2) > 128)
#error MAX allowed joystick buttons is 128!
Yup, I need someone to help me find the best layout for the decals and to add color-code grouping to them.
The project is ready. The code and 3d printed case parts were printed/tested/debugged.
In Decals folder you can find Print_me.html file in which you can easily create and customize your own labels for the buttons. Just print it out on any laser printer and cut along the lines. STL files are here:
Button matrix module 1-8 pcs
($5 per piece with shipping)
(manufacturer -
Arduino Pro Micro 1pcs
BEWARE Old versions are flashed with the faulty bootloader - you'll have to flash it with ISP programmer. If you don't have one - just buy the new version, it flashes fine via USB cable.
($4.32 per piece with shipping) -
Encoders 2pcs
($0.72 per piece) -
Toggle Switches 4pcs
Sold as 5pcs pack.
($1 per 5pcs pack)
Rocker Switches 4pcs
Sold as 10pcs pack.
($1 per 10pcs pack) -
Rubber feet ?pcs If you're going to use it flat on the table.
Sold as 48pcs pack.
($1 per 48pcs pack)
There is no schematics as this project is very simple to assemble even if your soldering kung fu is not strong.
- 16 buttons matrices
are connected to A0, A1, A2, A3, 4, 6, 8, 9 pins on Arduino Pro Micro. Also, they use VCC and GND pins which could be chained from one module to another. - Rocker/Toggle switches
should be connected to pins 10, 14, 15, 16 with the other wire connected to the GND pin. - Encoders
should be connected to pins 3, 2, 5 (encoder1 pinA, pinB, button) and 0, 1, 7 (encoder2 pinA, pinB, button). Also, don't forget the ground connection.
- Matthew Heironimus for the Joystick Library
- Ben Buxton for the best encoder debouncing algorithm
- Marco Colli for the adaptation of the previous library
- Andrew_Whitham for the Pro Micro 3D model
- Victor Fedyunin for the HTML tuning
If you like this project and want to support me - drop me a message in Google Hangouts or e-mail at yurymonzon(w0of-wo0f)gmail (.) com 😺