Technologies used: HTML, CSS, javascript, JQuery, Bootstrap
Description: Allows the user to search for a title from IDB movie database. Also allows the user to searhc for an actor or director. Each search returns a list of options to choose from. When the user picks a title, then relevant data is presented on the screen. The user has the option to load the actor/director page by clicking on the actor who had a part in the particular movie. Similarly, in the actor/director page the user can click on any movie listed for the person and the application jumps to the movie page. In the movie page the user can mark the movie he/she has seen or want to see. The list of seen and want to see movies are listed on the my movies page.
Setup Requirements: (1) Clone repository in your desktop. (2) Navigate to the top of the directory. (3) Open index.html in your browser.
Known bugs: (1) App kye has limited usage.
Link: https://altugcakmakci.github.io/movie_pal/
Palette: https://coolors.co/353535-3c6e71-ffffff-d9d9d9-284b63 https://coolors.co/e0fbfc-c2dfe3-9db4c0-5c6b73-253237 https://coolors.co/012a4a-013a63-01497c-014f86-2a6f97-2c7da0-468faf-61a5c2-89c2d9-a9d6e5