This application is here to debug client request to an API.
This API will always return "OK", but will print some request informations in the console:
- path
- HTTP method (verb)
- Header key-value
- Query parameter (?name=Jon)
- Raw body
- Parser body like a form
- Parser body like a JSON
curl -X GET 'http://localhost:8989?name=Jon' -H "X-Tag: 89"
New request:
-path: /
-verb: GET
Content-Length =
User-Agent = curl/7.43.0
X-Tag = 89
Host = localhost:8989
Accept = */*
Content-Type =
-query parameters:
name = Jon
-raw body:
-form body:
-json body:
curl -X POST 'http://localhost:8989/users?name=Jon&age=25' -H "X-Tag: 89" -d "password=toto1234" -d "firstname=Snow&sister=Aria"
New request:
-path: /users
-verb: POST
Content-Length = 44
User-Agent = curl/7.43.0
X-Tag = 89
Host = localhost:8989
Accept = */*
Content-Type = application/x-www-form-urlencoded
-query parameters:
age = 25
name = Jon
-raw body:
-form body:
sister = Aria
password = toto1234
firstname = Snow
-json body:
curl -X PUT 'http://localhost:8989/users/Jon' -H "X-Tag: 89" -H "Content-type: application/json" -d '{ "age": 26 }'
New request:
-path: /users/Jon
-verb: PUT
Content-Length = 13
User-Agent = curl/7.43.0
X-Tag = 89
Host = localhost:8989
Accept = */*
Content-Type = application/json
-query parameters:
-raw body:
{ "age": 26 }
-form body:
-json body:
{u'age': 26}