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EDB Docs

Deploy Main to Netlify Deploy Develop to Netlify Update PDFs on Develop

This repo contains the React/Gatsby application that powers the EDB Docs website. The site pulls Markdown content from several repos in a process called "sourcing", and then renders it all into high-performance markup. You can install the application on your local computer for easy editing, viewing, and eventually publishing to the GitHub repo.

MacOS Installation

We recommend using MacOS to work with the EDB Docs application.

  1. Install Homebrew, if it's not already installed. (Use brew -v to check.)

  2. Install Git using Homebrew with brew install git, if it's not already installed. (Use git --version to check.)

  3. Set up an SSH key in GitHub, if you haven't done so already. (Go to GitHub's SSH Keys page to check.) If you don't have an SSH Key set up yet, you'll need to set one up to authenticate you to GitHub. See GitHub's SSH docs for more information.

  4. Clone the EDB Docs GitHub repo to your local machine using GitHub Desktop, or via the Terminal with git clone

  5. Navigate to the cloned repo directory in your Terminal, if you haven't already done so.

  6. Install Node.js version 14 LTS. We recommend using Node version 14 LTS (the Long Term Support release) as version 15 is not compatible with some of our dependencies at this time.

    • If you already have Node installed, you can verify your version by running node -v in the cloned repo directory.

    • If you already have a different version of Node installed, you may want to consider using Node Version Manager (NVM) for a simpler way to manage multiple versions of Node.js. Follow the directions to install NVM, then run nvm install in the cloned repo directory, followed by nvm use which will auto-detect the correct version of Node.js to use (currently 14 LTS).

  7. Install Python 3 with brew install python3, if it's not already installed. (Use python3 -V to check that you have version 3.6 or higher.) Python is not needed for the core Gatsby system, but is required by several source scripts.

  8. Install Yarn with npm i -g yarn. Yarn is the package manager we're using for this project, instead of NPM. NPM may fail with a permissions related issue. To fix that, ensure that your user account owns the required directory: sudo chown -R $(whoami) /usr/local/lib/node_modules

  9. Install Gatsby with npm i -g gatsby-cli. Gatsby is the software that powers the EDB Docs site.

  10. Install all required packages by running yarn.

  11. Pull the shared icon files down with git submodule update --init. This needs to be run inside of the project folder, if you have cloned the repo using GitHub Desktop, ensure that you have cd into the project.

  12. And finally, you can start up the site locally with yarn develop, which should make it live at http://localhost:8000/. Huzzah!

Installation of PDF / Doc Conversion Tools (optional)

If you need to build PDFs locally, you'll need to install Docker via Homebrew: brew install docker.

If you need to run parts of the RST to MDX conversion pipeline, you'll need to install pandoc, a general purpose document conversion tool. This can also be installed with homebrew - brew install pandoc.

Windows Installation

If you are a Windows user, you can work with Docs without installing it locally by using a Docker container and VSCode. See Working on Docs in a Docker container using VSCode


  • Advocacy (/advocacy_docs, always loaded)

  • EDB Product Docs (/product_docs)

Configuring Which Sources are Loaded

By default, all document sources will be loaded into the app during development. It's possible to set up a configuration file, dev-sources.json, to only load specific sources, but this is not required.

yarn config-sources

Run yarn config-sources to setup your dev-sources.json file. This file tells Gatsby which sources to load. The script is interactive!

Alternatively, you can setup your dev-sources.json file manually by copying dev-sources.sample to dev-sources.json, and editing as desired. The sample file will source everything by default.

Types of Sources

Advocacy Docs are tutorial content, getting-started material, and anything that is about a subject matter area, but not explicitly tied to a product version.

Product Docs are versioned documentation for products. They follow a slightly stricter file structure to allow for version switching and other features.

More details can be found on the Adding New Sources page.

Adding New Sources

See Adding New Sources for a guide to choosing a source type, adding the files, and other configuration.

Resolving issues

If you experience errors or other issues with the site, try the following in the project folder:

  1. rm -rf node_modules to clean out installed JavaScript packages
  2. yarn to reinstall JavaScript packages
  3. yarn clean to clean up Gatsby cache
  4. yarn develop to start the development environment again. Keep in mind this will take longer than usual as Gatsby will need to rebuild everything.


All changes should have a pull request opened against the default branch, develop. When a pull request is opened, Heroku should automatically create a review build, which should be linked in the pull request under "deployments". Review builds only include advocacy content. When a pull request is merged, develop will automatically deploy the changes to the staging environment.

To deploy to production, create a pull request merging develop into main. When that PR is merged, main will automatically build and deploy to the production site.

Environment Details

Deployments of the site use the build-sources.json file to determine which sources need to be loaded. All environments are continuously deployed - new commits to relevant branches will trigger a build of the associated environment. The builds are done using Github Actions, so you can view deployment progress by clicking the "Actions" tab.


Staging is hosted on Netlify, and is built from the develop branch. The build and deployment process is handled by the deploy-develop.yml GitHub workflow.


Production is hosted on Netlify, and is built from the main branch. The build and deployment process is handled by the deploy-main.yml GitHub workflow. The production deployment process will update the search index on Algolia.

Review Builds

Review builds are automatically created for pull requests. These builds are created by Heroku, and only include advocacy content, no other sources.


The app is concerned with two different types of redirects that can be defined in frontmatter.

Internal Redirects (within Docs 2.0)


The redirects frontmatter is to be used for redirects internal to Docs. For example, if you had a file great_file.mdx with this following frontmatter...

  - '/old_path'
  - '/another_old_path'

both /old_path and /another_old_path would redirect to great_file.mdx's current path. This is perfect for setting up redirects when moving a file around within Docs. Redirects created with redirects are permanent (301).

Docs 1.0 to Docs 2.0 redirects

This app builds a list of nginx style redirects that are loaded into a separate server. These redirects direct users from links to the old docs site, to the appropriate page on the new docs site.


This frontmatter is an automatically generated list of redirects for Docs 1.0 to Docs 2.0 (this repo). These redirects are built by scripts/legacy_redirects/, and should not be manually edited.


If you need to setup a redirect from Docs 1.0 to Docs 2.0 manually, this is the place to do it. If the legacyRedirectsGenerated frontmatter does not include the redirect you need, you should add it here.

Advocacy Docs (left over from previous README, needs attention)

Advocacy doc files are in advocacy_docs/getting-started

New docs need a .mdx suffix to be used by Gatsby.


Each document requires a frontmatter section at the top with a title. This looks like this:

title: Title of page

The title can be in quotes, but they are not needed unless you want an apostrophe in there. There also needs to be a space after title:

In addition to title, there is also the option of adding navTitle and description to look like this:

title: An exhaustive guide to all things wonderful about Postgres
navTitle: Postgres guide
description: Everything you need to know about Postgres

The navTitle is used for the left navigation so it can take up less space. It is also used in "cards".

The description is used in cards as well.

Markdown styling

All of these files use Markdown for styling. The options for what can be done can be seen here

Ordering of files

The items in the left nav are sorted alphabetically by file name. This can be done with a numerical prefix. The titles of each page are used for the names in the left nav.

Content submission

To add content to this site, changes must be submitted as a PR. There are two options for this:

Option 1: locally

  1. Clone repo
  2. Make a new branch
  3. Add commits to branch and push to github
  4. Create a new PR on github

Option 2: on github

  1. Edit a file on github
  2. Submit changes as a PR on a new branch


Content is indexed for search when the production site builds.