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A walkthrough on ApacheServiceMix using OSGI concepts.

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01-Simple OSGI

  	* OsgiHelloService project, which will expose Hello OSGI service.
	* OsgiHelloTracker project, which will consume the Hello OSGI service generated by 01OsgiHelloService


  	* OsgiCxf project, which will expose hello webservice using cxf.

03-Simple Camel (seda)

  	* CamelTransform project which will trigger a camel end point from a timer.
  	* CamelInAdvance project will explain the flow of camel context. 
  	* It will generate list of invoice through scheduler, and send to the camel seda queue.
  	* camel will validate and filter it, the pass to the appropriate process.

04-Cxf integration with Camel (direct-vm)

  	* A sample CXF Webservice exposed via camel routes.
  	* CamelCxfRoute project will have camel route mappings.
  	* CamelCxfService project will have cxf webservice implementation
  	* CamelCxfClient project  standalone java project which calls the webservice.
  	* Post Url - http://localhost:8989/rest/personservice/(getPerson, putPerson, deletePerson)
  	* Person object is an input for the above webservice.


  	* Simple osgi servlet.

06-Example for calling web service from camel route

  	* In previous project 04CamelCxfService , webservice is consumed by standalone java project.
  	* This project explains how to consume a cxf webservice via camel routes.


  	* A sample UI, which calls cxf webservices via camel route.
  	* Url:

08-CamelAcrossApplication (direct-vm)

  	* To test whether a message produced in one application could be received in message produced in another application

  	* CamelProducer project, Simple active mq consumer, which will poll for an activemq queue

  	* CamelConsumer project, Consume the camel route which is producde in 08CamelProducer.

09-Simple ActiveMq Example

  	* Standalone java project

  	* ActiveMqConsumer project, Simple activemq consumer, which will listen a port and consume the packets.

  	* ActiveMqProducer project, Simple activeMq Producer, which will send the packets to the registered port. 

10-Simple Camel ActiveMq Example (activemq)

  	* CamelActiveMqConsumerAndProducer project, Simple ActiveMq Consumer and producer using camel context in single jar.
  	* CamelActiveMqConsumer project, Simple ActiveMq Message Consumer using camel context.

  	* CamelActiveMqProducer project, Simple ActiveMq Message Producer using Camel Context.

11-Simple Camel JMS Message Producer (jms)

  	* JMS message producer  using Camel.

When to use direct-vm

  	* end and receive synchronized message across camel context.

Whent to use activemq

  	* Send and receive message inside single jvm.

When to use jms

  	* Send message to an activemq queue from different servicemix instance.


	*POC project for Spring rest with Apache Servicemix (Without component-scan)


A walkthrough on ApacheServiceMix using OSGI concepts.






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