Using websocket control your raspberry pi, raspberry pi side needs running an RaspiIOServer instance.
- Support Python 2.7+, Python3+
- Support I2C, API same as pylibi2c
- Support SPI, API same as Spidev and support SPIFlash
- Support GPIO、Software PWM, API same as RPi.GPIO
- Support display image on LCD or HDMI via Multi-Media Abstraction Layer
- Support HDMI video settings, power on/off, get monitor supported modes etc
- Support query raspi hardware information, such as: Serial No.、MAC address, device list etc
First install raspi-ios on your raspberry pi, and create an
instance -
Second install Pillow
$ sudo apt-get install libjpeg-dev $ sudo pip install Pillow
Finally install
on your computer$ git clone $ cd raspi-io $ sudo python install
$ sudo apt-get install libjpeg-dev $ sudo pip install git+
default using port 9876
communicate with RaspiIOServer, but if RaspiIOServer
port changed, your can specify default port like this:
import raspi_io
raspi_io.core.DEFAULT_PORT = 39876
Query: query raspi info
GPIO: usage same as RPi.GPIO
SoftPWM: usage same as RPi.GPIO.PWM
SoftSPI: software spi controller support read/write/xfer
Serial: support read/write/close/flushInput/flushOutput
I2C: support open/read/write/ioctl_read/ioctl_write
SPI: support open/close/read/write/xfer/xfer2
SPIFlash support probe/erase/read_chip/write_chip
GPIOSPIFlash support probe/erase/read_chip/write_chip
MmalGraph: display image on LCD or HDMI
TVService: raspberry pi video setting, set HDMI mode
AppManager: support install/uninstall app, and upload from local or online (check and get from gogs repository releases)
RaspberryManager: create RaspiWsClient instance
from raspi_io import *
from raspi_io.utility import scan_server
# Scan LAN raspi-io server
servers = scan_server()
manager = RaspberryManager(servers[0])
# Create Query instance
query = manager.create(Query)
# Create I2C instance
i2c = manager.create(I2C, "/dev/i2c-1", 0x56)
# Create serial instance
s = manager.create(Serial, port="/dev/ttyUSB0", baudrate=115200)
import ctypes
from raspi_io import I2C
from raspi_io.utility import scan_server
# Open /dev/i2c-1, you can using Query.get_i2c_list() get i2c bus list
i2c = I2C(scan_server()[0], '/dev/i2c-1', 0x56)
# Python2, 3, both can using ctypes.create_string_buffer() create a buffer
buf = ctypes.create_string_buffer(256)
# Python3 can using bytes, create a buffer
buf = bytes(256)
# Write
if i2c.write(0x0, buf) != len(buf):
# Read from i2c, Python2 return str, Python3 return bytes
r_buf =, 256)
# Print data
i2c.print_binary(r_buf, 16)
from raspi_io.utility import scan_server
from raspi_io import SPI, Query, SPIFlash
from raspi_io.spi_flash import SPIFlashInstruction
address = scan_server()[0]
device = Query(address).get_spi_list()[-1]
spi = SPI(address, device, max_speed=8000)
# Probe SPI Flash JEDEC ID
data = spi.xfer([0x9f], 3)
spi.print_binary(data, 16)
# Create a spi flash instance
flash_instruction = SPIFlashInstruction(chip_erase=0x60)
# When spi flash has different instruction set, can specified the flash instruction
flash = SPIFlash(address, device, speed=8000, page_size=256, chip_size=1024*1024, instruction=flash_instruction)
# Get spi flash manufacturer id and device id
manufacturer_id, device_id = flash.probe()
# Read whole chip
data = flash.read_chip()
# Write data to chip with verify
flash.write_chip(data, verify=True)
from raspi_io import GPIO
from raspi_io.utility import scan_server
# Create a gpio instance
gpio = GPIO(scan_server()[0])
# Set as BCM mode
# Setup pin 21 as output, 20 as input
gpio.setup(21, GPIO.OUT)
gpio.setup(20, GPIO.IN)
# Output control
gpio.output(21, 1)
gpio.output(21, 0)
# Get input
from raspi_io import GPIO, SoftPWM
from raspi_io.utility import scan_server
# Create a software pwm instance, BCM mode, pin21, 1000hz
pwm = SoftPWM(scan_server()[0], GPIO.BCM, 21, 1000)
# Start pwm duty
# Stop
from raspi_io import Serial
from raspi_io.utility import scan_server
# Open a serial port /dev/ttyUSB0, 115200 baudrate
port = Serial(scan_server()[0], '/dev/ttyUSB0', 115200)
# Read
data =
if not data:
print("Read error:{}".format(port.get_error()))
# Write
data = "1234567"
# Python3+ need encode first
w_size = port.write("1234567".encode("utf-8"))
if w_size != len(data):
print("Write error:{}".format(port.get_error()))
print("Success write:{} bytes".format(w_size))
# Close
from raspi_io import Query
from raspi_io.utility import scan_server
# Create a query instance
q = Query(scan_server()[0])
# Get hardware information
info = q.get_hardware_info()
# Error process
if not info:
hardware, revision, sn = info
# Get serial port list
l = q.get_serial_list()
import time
from raspi_io.utility import scan_server
from raspi_io import TVService, MmalGraph
# Create tv service object, make hdmi monitor worked on preferred mode
tv = TVService(scan_server()[0])
# Create a mmal graph object display on HDMI, enable reduce size
graph = MmalGraph(scan_server()[0], display_num=MmalGraph.HDMI, reduce_size=True)
# Display
if not"../tests/superwoman.jpg"):
# Wait a moment, just in case graph is close
import time
from raspi_io import TVService
from raspi_io.utility import scan_server
# Create a tv service object
tv = TVService(scan_server()[0])
# Get monitor preferred mode
group, mode = tv.get_preferred_mode()
# Get monitor supported modes
for mode in tv.get_modes(group):
# Set monitor to 1920x1080p
tv.set_explicit(TVService.CEA, 16)
# Wait monitor response
# Power off hdmi output
import json
from raspi_io import AppManager
from raspi_io.utility import scan_server
# Get raspberry address
raspberry_pi = scan_server()[0]
# Load auth from json an get app name and online update repo name
auth = json.loads(open('auth.json', 'rb').read())
app_name = auth.pop("app_name")
online_update_repo = auth.pop("online_update_repo")
# Create a AppManager instance
agent = AppManager(raspberry_pi, timeout=30)
# Online fetch app newest release
repo_release_info, software_release_info = agent.fetch_update(auth, online_update_repo)
# Online update
print(agent.online_update(auth, repo_release_info, app_name))
# Local update
print(agent.local_update("release.tar", app_name))
for app_name in agent.get_app_list():