This is a quiz application that tests users' knowledge of the basics of programming, fundamentals of computer science, and software engineering.
It is a timed test that takes ten (10) minutes.
If the user does not complete the questions or user finishes answering the questions and submits, the user's test score will be returned with answers to the quiz
I built this app to try out building a GraphQL API
with Next.js API. The GraphQL API was built using apollo-server-micro
and consumed from the frontend using SWR
and graphql-request
First, could you fork this repo?
Then clone your forked version.
Create a mongodb database called quiz
and add all the questions (check the db/schemas/
folder for guidance)
Add your mongoDB URL to the .env.local file (check the .env.example for guidance)
Run the following command on the CLI in the root directory of the project:
npm run dev
# or
yarn dev
Open http://localhost:3000 on your browser to see the result.
All quiz questions are fetched from a mongoDB database and can be accessed via graphql http://localhost:3000/api/graphql. This endpoint can be edited in pages/api/graphql.ts