Hello 👋 my name is Leonardo Amber ⚡ I am a self-tought developer since 2016. During this time, i've worked with Python, PHP, HTML, CSS, JS, MySQL, SQLite3, elasticsearch and docker. I also work with eletronics and repairments.
- 🔬 Currently studying networks
- 💪 Better than yesterday, worse than tomorrow
- 💬 "scio me nihil scire"
- 🌌 🎶 🎴 🎮 ❤️
- 🎸 Play Guitar
- 📻 Eletronics
- 💻 Sunday games afternoon
At the moment:
- (pause) Studying Computer Networking a top-down approach - 6th edition - Jim Kurose, Keith W. Ross
- Testing random things