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lck.django: a reusable library of typical Django routines, apps, filters, template tags and configuration techniques.

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This library consists of various Django-related routines that extend or modify the behaviour of the framework:

  • lots of composable abstract models to use
  • a user activity log app storing users' IP addresses and user agents (useful for hunting down multi-accounts)
  • a score app enabling users on websites to vote on objects
  • a tags app which supports tagging by users and localized tags
  • a badges app which enables users to receive badges for actions on the website
  • extensions for (current directory resolution, namespace package support, settings profile support)
  • typical filters, template tags, form fields, etc.

Complete documentation for the package can be found here:

The latest version can be installed via PyPI:

$ pip install lck.django


$ easy_install lck.django

The source code repository and issue tracker are maintained on GitHub.

This package bundles some royalty free static images that are useful in almost every Django project:

For the curious, lck stands for LangaCore Kit. LangaCore is a one man software development shop of mine.

Note: lck.common requires Python 2.7 because all of its code is using the so-called four futures (absolute_imports, division, print_function and unicode_literals). One of the virtues in the creation of this library is to make the code beautiful. These switches give a useful transitional state between the old Python 2.x and the new Python 3.x. You should use them as well.

Note: Since 0.5.0 lck.django requires Django 1.3 because it makes my monkey-patching efforts much easier. Moreover, 1.3 nicely deprecates behaviour which I consider ugly.

How to run the tests

The easiest way would be to run:


This command runs the internal Django tests as well and that's fine because there are monkey patches and other subtleties that should better be tested for potential breakage.

The dummy project is also used as an example of setting up a Django project. However, it seems Django tests are not happy with some changes to the settings so we're using the test profile (which loads overrides from to avoid that.

Change Log


  • profile now properly rolls back a failed transaction in create_a_user_profile_ignoring_dberrors() (fixes initial syncdb's superuser creation on PostgreSQL)
  • introduced automatic resolution of dependencies for initial migration. If you use activitylog, badges, score or tags, unless you're using the plain auth.User, their initial migrations depend on your profile module being ready. Migrations currently depend on the initial migration of your respective ACTIVITYLOG_PROFILE_MODEL, EDITOR_TRACKABLE_MODEL, SCORE_VOTER_MODEL or TAG_AUTHOR_MODEL. If those migrations should depend on a different migration or none, new settings have been added.


  • fixed a regression from 0.8.8 in synchronous activitylog models
  • dj.choices requirement bumped to 0.9.2 (support for Python 2.6 - 3.3)
  • dj.chain requirement bumped to 0.9.2 (support for Python 2.7 - 3.3)


  • activitylog now properly encloses database updates in transactions
  • activitylog on RQ and Celery now properly handles non-null constraints on models
  • SessionAwareLanguageMiddleware simplified, now simply sets the language argument in the session. This requires changing middleware order: this middleware should come after SessionMiddleware and before LocaleMiddleware.
  • The default INSTRUMENTATION_RULE is now simply lambda request: False which makes TimingMiddleware behave better with front-end caches (if session is not accessed, Vary: Cookie is not set).


  • activitylog now sports new async modes with built-in support for RQ or Celery workers
  • minor performance updates in tags models


  • minor performance updates in activitylog middleware. Now behaves better in low-memory + slow I/O environments.


  • whois management command introduced to help find users by session ID
  • using User attributes proxied from a Profile instance no longer causes a query for each call


  • TimeTrackable models can now force marking fields as dirty with mark_dirty() and mark_clean() methods


  • concurrent_get_or_create will now raise AssertionErrors if given either too many fields (e.g. not all of which are unique or compose a unique-together constraint) or too few (e.g. fields do not form a whole unique-together constraint). Non-unique fields should be passed in the defaults keyword argument if needed at object creation time.
  • profile now implements automatic profile account synchronization by registering a post-save signal on User and creating an AUTH_PROFILE_MODEL instance. A management command for existing applications called sync_profiles has been created.
  • Unit tests converted to unittest2 format


  • fixed regression from 0.8.1: removed savepoint support since the updated concurrent_get_or_create fails miserably on MySQL due to dogdy savepoint support in MySQL-python


  • concurrent_get_or_create based on get_or_create from Django 1.4.2
  • namespace_package_support extended to cover django.utils.translation as well (previously namespace-packaged projects only worked with I18N if develop or pip install -e . was used to install them)
  • dj.chain requirement bumped to 0.9.1 (supports more collective methods)


  • lazy_chain moved to a separate dj.chain package. The old interface is thus deprecated and will be removed in a future version.
  • activitylog updates: removed redundant user fields so it works again with ACTIVITYLOG_PROFILE_MODEL set to auth.User
  • EditorTrackable doesn't require overriding get_editor_from_request anymore if EDITOR_TRACKABLE_MODEL is set to a profile model instead of auth.User
  • profile admin module includes a predefined ProfileInlineFormSet for inclusion of profile-tied models to the UserAdmin as inlines
  • the dummy application now passes all internal Django unit tests in versions 1.4.0 - 1.4.2


  • lazy_chain: the fix from 0.7.13 introduced a different kind of bug, reverted and fixed properly now. More tests included.
  • flatpages now serve content in the default language if the language requested by the browser is unavailable.
  • some internal cleanups


  • lazy_chain: when iterating over a slice, the iterator fetched one item too many. It didn't yield it back so the result was correct but if using xfilter() that caused unnecessary iteration.
  • dj.choices requirement bumped to 0.9.0 (choices are int subclasses, unicode(choice) is now equivalent to choice.desc)


  • namespace package support now works with Unicode literals in
  • dummy app settings refinements: timing middleware moved down the stack because it uses the user session, WSGI app definition was wrong


  • No code changes
  • dj.choices requirement bumped to 0.8.6 (fully compatible with 0.8.5 and significantly improves ChoiceFields)


  • BACKLINKS_LOCAL_SITES setting to control if all configured sites should be considered local upon backlink discovery
  • More backlink fixes data model fixes to make it more cross-compatible with different backends


  • Fixed backlink hash generation in activitylog
  • activitylog accepts UTF-8 characters in User-Agent headers
  • activitylog South migration #0002 now also works on backends with DDL transactions (e.g. Postgres)


  • Fixed South support for custom fields (DefaultTags and MACAddressField).


  • South migrations supported across the board. For existing installations you should run:

    $ python migrate APP_NAME 0001 --fake
    $ python migrate APP_NAME

    where APP_NAME is activitylog, badges, common, flatpages, profile, score or tags.

  • uniqueness constraints in activitylog.models.Backlink and activitylog.models.UserAgent moved to separate hash fields to make MySQL happy. South migrations should handle schema evolution regardless of the backend you're using.


  • Further Django 1.4 compatibility improvements: auto-compelete foreign key mixin works correctly now


  • Django 1.4 compatibility improved


  • Django 1.4 USE_TZ = True compatibility
  • example settings updated to support new Django 1.4 settings
  • User attribute proxying in Profile models rewritten to support all built-in and custom attributes on the User model
  • activitylog.middleware now records IPs and user agents for unauthenticated requests as well. Possibly a performance hit.


  • Added order_by argument to TagStem.objects.get_content_objects()


  • choices moved to a separate dj.choices package. The old interface is thus deprecated and will be removed in a future version.


  • fixed a regression from 0.7.0 in lck.django.score after cleaning up helpers


  • lck.django.badges introduced
  • lck.django.common cleaned up, lazy_chain significantly upgraded (now properly supports multiple iterables with filtering, slicing and sorting)


  • lck.django.score: send a signal on total score change (allows for caching strategies on the app side)
  • maxid management command introduced: for every registered model returns the current maximum value for primary keys


  • MACAddressField MAC address normalization ignores empty values, supports Cisco 0000.0000.0000 notation and fixes a minor regression from 0.6.5
  • SessionAwareLanguageMiddleware introduced
  • a convenient tag getter for taggables, improved compatibility with EditorTrackable


  • more rigorous normalization of MAC addresses in MACAddressField


  • ImageModel introduced
  • Named models name field extended to 75 characters of length


  • fixed an embarassing bug with the human-readable timediff filter


  • MACAddressField normalization bug fixed


  • buttonable Django admin with ModelAdmin
  • "Edit separately" links for ForeignKey fields supported in ModelAdmin
  • compressing PyLibMCCache backend in lck.django.cache_backends
  • backlinks support in activitylog
  • images crushed and optimized
  • use Pillow instead of PIL


Oh boy, lots of changes!

  • TimeTrackable just got a lot smarter. Includes cache_version attribute automatically updated on significant changes to the object. modified gets updated only when there are actual changes to the object. dirty_fields property shows changed attributes from last save (works also for objects composed from multiple models, including abstract ones).

    Inspired by David Cramer and Simon Willison at EuroPython 2011.

  • The dogpile-safe lck.django.cache now supports custom invalidators which enables invalidation not only by time but also by e.g. model changes (think TimeTrackable.cache_version).

  • Settings profile support now requires a modified script in the Django project. This is forced by the unfortunate design of how Django loads settings.

  • Activity logging moved to its own app, lck.activitylog, which now also tracks IPs and user agents of logged-in visitors (useful in hunting multi-accounts).

  • Introduced a SavePrioritized abstract model which adds priorities to saves on models. Various parts of the application can specify which priority they use. If they update an attribute which was first saved by something with higher priority, the update is silently ignored.

  • Introduced a concurrency-aware variant of the popular Model.objects.get_or_create (unsurprisingly called concurrent_get_or_create)

  • Introduced a commit_on_success variant that supports nesting (unsurprisingly called nested_commit_on_success)

  • Introduced BasicAuthMiddleware for simplistic private URL protecting.

  • EditorTrackable is now safe in terms of foreign key cascading (content authored or modified by a user won't get deleted after this user is removed from the DB). Plus some nice admin refinements.

  • Now TimingMiddleware doesn't break other middlewares using process_view() and is generally smarter.

  • Added X-Slo header in responses for TimingMiddleware.

  • render() now calculates and emits ETags based on the rendering output.

  • typical_handler() can now redirect_on_success.

  • Links from the BBCode filter now open in a new window and have rel="nofollow" set.

  • Introduced a {%settings KEY%} templatetag.

  • Introduced a {%git_version%} templatetag which returns a short string useful to present as an app version. This is based on the latest commit in the Git repository where the Django project lies in.

  • The cycle_filter template filter now supports explicit counter settings and incrementation.

  • Introduced template filters converting to and from Base64.

  • Introduced JQuery UI and JQueryMobile integrated radio widgets.

  • Improved documentation.

  • More complete translations.


  • Simplistic TimingMiddleware introduced.
  • Profiles based on BaseProfile now return self for get_profile().
  • Trophy icons added.
  • Console tag library introduced with the {%color%} tag.
  • Allow rendering non-request contexts.
  • Choices.ToNames decorator introduced.
  • Pre-importing in shell works also for models with a custom``app_model``.


  • EditorTrackable introduced
  • Choices can be rendered in grouped form. Currently requires adding '--keyword=Group:2 ' to xgettext invocations in django/core/managemenet/commands/ Cleaning that up is planned for 0.6.0.
  • typical_handler works now with forms w/o a save() method
  • upperfirst filter introduced: ups only the first character
  • Square thumbnails for wide images now work properly
  • moved contents of helpers to common (enables i18n and cleans up the API), the helpers module is therefore deprecated
  • some i18n updates


  • in the thumbnail filter, support for automatic cropping to square introduced
  • minor translation updates


  • group members inherit shifted attributes


  • minor updates to PolishDateWidget


  • AvatarSupport abstract model for custom avatars. GravatarSupport can be used as fallback or independently.
  • typical_handler now properly supports file uploads
  • bugfixes: objects without any score don't cause exceptions anymore
  • leftovers from namespace changes cleaned up


  • monkey patches of core Django annotated and regrouped for easier management in the future (yup, more to come)
  • a stats calculator
  • minor bugfixes


  • tags now support models with custom managers
  • for Named and Titled models a read-only name_urlencoded and title_urlencoded properties were introduced. Useful as arguments in template tags.
  • support for setting additional attributes on choices using an unholy << operator overload
  • in tags, support for getting objects marked with specific stems


  • migrated to the lck namespace from langacore.kit
  • migrated licensing from GPL 3 to MIT
  • bumped the trove from alpha status to beta, the code is in production for over a year now

Ancient history

  • No proper change log was kept before 0.5.0


lck.django: a reusable library of typical Django routines, apps, filters, template tags and configuration techniques.






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