Relies on meshio:
You can install the latest version with pip:
pip install lnmmeshio
Does only read the discretization and currently completely ignores all other sections.
Read/write a mesh into/from the Discretization class
import lnmmeshio
# tested formats are Exodus, Gmsh and .dat (only the discretization, all other sections are discarded)
dis ='pathtofile.ext')
# do what ever you want with the discretization (like add options to the elements or sth like that)
# iterate over all structural elements
for ele in dis.elements.structure:
# do sth with the element
ele.options["KINEM"] = "nonlinear"
ele.options["MAT"] = 1
# iterate over all nodes
for node in dis.nodes:
# do sth with the node
# iterate over all surface elements with id 0
for ele in dis.get_dsurf_elements(0):
# do sth with this element
# iterate over all surface nodeset nodes with id 0
for node in dis.surfacenodesets[0]:
# do sth with the node
# write discretization into an arbitrary format (.dat, .vtu, ...)
lnmmeshio.write('pathtofile.ext', dis)
See also
- Make your changes and test changes.
- Adapt version number in pyproject.toml
- Create a feature branch (best reference it with corresponding issue)
- Create a merge request from feature branch
- Push changes to Gitlab and wait for the pipeline to pass
- Once the MR is merged, the new version is available in the package repository