A shift scheduling application exposing a "REST" API. Used as playground to test the Equip framework and all the things PSR-7 and ADR.
The application implements this user stories, each story is validated by a BDD style test.
As an employee, I want to know when I am working, by being able to see all of the shifts assigned to me. test
As an employee, I want to know who I am working with, by being able to see the employees that are working during the same time period as me. test
As an employee, I want to know how much I worked, by being able to get a summary of hours worked for each week. test
As an employee, I want to be able to contact my managers, by seeing manager contact information for my shifts. test
As a manager, I want to schedule my employees, by creating shifts for any employee. test
As a manager, I want to see the schedule, by listing shifts within a specific time period. test
As a manager, I want to be able to change a shift, by updating the time details. test
As a manager, I want to be able to assign a shift, by changing the employee that will work a shift. test
As a manager, I want to contact an employee, by seeing employee details. test
$ composer install
Create a database and import the sql script in app/resources/db/scheduler.sql
The dump contains the database structure and 2 test users:
A manager, username:manager
, password:manager
An employee, username:employee
, password:employee
Copy the example config file:
cp config.json.dist config.json
Replace the Database credentials and the JWT key by your own settings.
Or simply run the PHP built-in webserver php -S localhost:8000 web/index.php
- Create the behat configuration file
cp behat.yml.dist behat.yml
Update the database URL and base path, no need to create the database, behat will re-create it before every test scenario.
In order to not delete your production database and get fired! the test database is hard coded to be named "scheduler-test", so you need to point your application toward the same DB.
You can do this by updating the database URL in config.json
This is what it looks like in config.json
- Run the test server
php -S localhost:8000 web/index.php
this command will run the web server bundled with PHP on port 8000
- Run the tests
Love postman? Import this collection and rock on!
This repository servers a temporary purpose and is a playground for new ideas so please use it at your own risk as the application is lacking few things in many areas due to lack of time:
- Functional test suite is naive: Normally you'd test all edge cases or most of them, I did not.
- Unit test coverage is around ~48% which is not great.
- For some reason behat tests are failing in scrutinizee-ci, I'm investigating this.
- No proper exception handling.
- The correct HTTP codes are not always returned, you might get 500s instead of 400s.
- A data validation layer is lacking.
- No emphasis was put on security, as far as SQL injections, type casting and using PDO are the only implemented measures, your should do more in real apps.
The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.