clone the repository and then go to the master folder
cd smop
Then use the following commands to convert each file to python
smop CalcDistanceMatrix.m
smop CholDec.m
smop Eig.m
smop ElementWiseOperations.m
smop KMeans.m
smop LeastSquares.m
smop LinearSystem.m
smop MatInv.m
smop MatlabBench.m
smop MatrixAddition.m
smop MatrixExp.m
smop MatrixGeneration.m
smop MatrixMultiplication.m
smop MatrixQuadraticForm.m
smop MatrixReductions.m
smop MatrixSqrt.m
smop Svd.m
is Small Matlab and Octave to Python compiler.
translates matlab to python.