Easy mail is a service for sending emails in your Golang application via Mailgun.
First copy the example file:
cp ./config/config-example.yml ./config.yaml
Now set the configs, like mailgun Domain and API key.
Run the server:
go run main.go
Syntax | Description |
URL | :5000/mail/send |
Method | POST |
"from": "email | [required]",
"to": "email | [required]",
"subject": "string | [required]",
"text": "string | [required]",
"validation": "yes/no [optional]",
"is_html": "yes/no [optional]"
"id": "email id"
"error": "[error]"
To deploy the project on kubernetes, use the following commands:
kubctl apply -f ./deploy/deployments.yaml
kubctl apply -f ./deploy/service.yaml
If everything goes right, you can to get a response like this:
[GIN-debug] Listening and serving HTTP on :5000
[GIN] 2022/04/04 - 14:02:27 | 200 | 2.291217333s | | POST "/mail/send"
You can use k6 to test the service. A successful response of k6 testing should be like this:
k6 run ./api/k6/script.js
default ✓ [======================================] 1 VUs 00m03.3s/10m0s 1/1 iters, 1 per VU
data_received..................: 202 B 61 B/s
data_sent......................: 281 B 85 B/s
http_req_blocked...............: avg=912µs min=912µs med=912µs max=912µs p(90)=912µs p(95)=912µs
http_req_connecting............: avg=237µs min=237µs med=237µs max=237µs p(90)=237µs p(95)=237µs
http_req_duration..............: avg=2.29s min=2.29s med=2.29s max=2.29s p(90)=2.29s p(95)=2.29s
{ expected_response:true }...: avg=2.29s min=2.29s med=2.29s max=2.29s p(90)=2.29s p(95)=2.29s
http_req_failed................: 0.00% ✓ 0 ✗ 1
http_req_receiving.............: avg=273µs min=273µs med=273µs max=273µs p(90)=273µs p(95)=273µs
http_req_sending...............: avg=45µs min=45µs med=45µs max=45µs p(90)=45µs p(95)=45µs
http_req_tls_handshaking.......: avg=0s min=0s med=0s max=0s p(90)=0s p(95)=0s
http_req_waiting...............: avg=2.29s min=2.29s med=2.29s max=2.29s p(90)=2.29s p(95)=2.29s
http_reqs......................: 1 0.303148/s
iteration_duration.............: avg=3.29s min=3.29s med=3.29s max=3.29s p(90)=3.29s p(95)=3.29s
iterations.....................: 1 0.303148/s
vus............................: 1 min=1 max=1
vus_max........................: 1 min=1 max=1