Statistics on App usage data
Short Description: This was a small project to test some experiment results on app usage data for a new app
Questionnaire answers. Either ranking or time difference measurements
- n = 50 for most parameters
- Rank variables: 5 (easy ; font1 ; font2 ; n.menu1 ; n.menu2)
- Continuous variable : 18 (9 for the old app and 9 for the new app)
- Binary/Categorical variables: gender, app use, laguage and others
- Test normal distribution: Shapiro Wilkes test ; histograms ; qqplots (for multiple parameters)
- Test mean differencet : Wilcoxon test ; box plots ; mean difference calculations
- Test correlations : Spearman ; Pearson ; dotplots
- Permutation MANOVAs : non-parametric MANOVA alternative for 3 varaibles, using permutation tests (Anderson method) to increase robustness
Box plots
QQ Plots
correlation plots
Distribution histograms
Faceted plots for many parameters
The project was completed in October 2020