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A starter template for modern C++ with Cmake configured with code analysis, testing and coverage


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Modern C++ Cmake Starter


This is a starter template for a multi lib, multi app project born out of my needs. This template is based on starter project ModernCppStarter, the cmake is loosly based on Introduction to Modern CMake and some cmake modules from cpp-project boilerplate. See ModernCppStarter README for more details about originating concepts.

Guiding Principles

Repository Structure

  • As far as possible, all directories are self contained
  • Executables are in the “apps” directory, one directory per app
  • Libraries are in “libs” directory, one directory per library
  • Every app or library directory has one or all of directories viz. “include”, “src”, “tests”
  • Each namespace gets own directory inside the above three

Build System

  • CMake is primary build system(version 3.23), for Bazel see my bazel starter
  • Out of source build and dependency management
  • Every target (executable or library) CMakeLists.txt is self contained (i.e. does not depend directly on the external structure)
  • The main CMakeLists.txt makes all the dependencies available to the apps and libraries
  • CPM is used for external dependency download and setup

How to use this template

  1. Use the “Use this template” button on github to create a new repository with all the content of this starter, modify according to your needs.
  2. Clone this repo locally and remove/change the remote

Building with CMake

# configure build with ninja
 cmake -S . -B build -GNinja
# build everything
 cmake --build build
# build specific target
 cmake --build build --target <name>
# configure with code quality tools namely sanitizers, cppcheck, include what you use (iwyu), codecoverage
 cmake -S . -B build -GNinja -DUSE_SANITIZER='Memory;MemoryWithOrigins;Thread;Leak;Address;Undefined' -DUSE_STATIC_ANALYZER='clang-tidy;iwyu;cppcheck' -DENABLE_CODE_COVERAGE=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Coverage
# run codecoverage for tests (e.g. greeter tests)
 cmake --build build --target coverage_greeter
# open the code coverage report
 open build/coverage_out/index.html



A starter template for modern C++ with Cmake configured with code analysis, testing and coverage





