A Python module for communicating with 'TOSR0x' relay controllers available at tinyosshop.com and other online retailers.
Note: as of v0.6.0 this module only supports Python 3.4+.
- Detect TOSR0x USB and WiFi devices.
- Set relay states.
- Query relay states.
- Query temperature (on supported models).
- Python serial module (should be installed by default)
Use setup.py:
python setup.py install
If using Debian or a derivative (Ubuntu) additional USB permissions may be required:
Add the user to the 'dialout' group:
$ sudo usermod -G dialout -a <username>
Add a udev rules file to allow access to usb devices:
$ cat /etc/udev/rules.d/50-usb.rules
# allow access to usb devices for users in dialout group
SUBSYSTEM=="usb", MODE="0666", GROUP="dialout"
Call the handler function to return a list of tosr0x objects:
>import tosr0x
>th = tosr0x.handler()
Testing USB serial device on /dev/ttyUSB0
Testing USB serial device on /dev/ttyUSB1
Testing USB serial device on /dev/ttyUSB2
Testing USB serial device on /dev/ttyUSB3
TOSR0x device found on /dev/ttyUSB3
>myTosr0x = th[0]
>print myT0sr0x
<tosr0x.relayModule instance at 0xb68be46c>
By default the handler scans all USB ports for compatible tosr0x devices. You can also specify a range of ports to scan:
>th = tosr0x.handler(devicePath=['/dev/ttyUSB3'])
Testing USB serial device on /dev/ttyUSB3
TOSR0x device found on /dev/ttyUSB3
Usually all relays on the module are cycled at initialisation to determine the relay count. You can specify a relay count to prevent this:
>th = tosr0x.handler(devicePath=['/dev/ttyUSB3'], relayCount=4)
Testing USB serial device on /dev/ttyUSB3
TOSR0x device found on /dev/ttyUSB3
It is also possible to use the class directly without using the handler:
>import serial
>import tosr0x
>sd=serial.Serial('/dev/ttyUSB0', timeout=0.1)
>myTosr0x=tosr0x.relayModule(sd) #Num relays not specified in this example
>import tosr0x
>myTosr0x = tosr0x.relayModule( ('',2000), 2) #Module of 2 relays
Set relay states to either 0 or 1:
(Note: relay numbering starts at 1. Set the state of all relays by using relay number 0.)
Get relay positions, (returned as a dict {relay : state}):
{1: 1, 2: 0}
Get Ambient Temperaure n Celsius degree for modules supporting a temperature probe:
- James Stewart (@amorphic) uses to tosr0x to implement an Environmental Controller in braubuddy, a temperature monitoring framework.
- Alex Roche (@alexroche) is using tosr0x with WIFI option to control blinds through openremote controller running on a Raspberry Pi.