A Flutter application that serves as a one-stop destination for confused travllers to make a decision on their next holiday destination. It allows users to view multiple destinations in the form of cards, similar to the UI on dating applications such as Tinder.
The users can view each destination's images, tags related to the destinations' vibe, the currency exchange for the country, flight prices and weather details. The intuiton behind the following idea is different users might have different considerations while picking a travel destination, such as : expenses, weather conditions, general atmosphere of the location and so on.
Users are able to view their previous right swipes (liked places) and are able to favourite locations from the history.
Finally, based on the right swipes of a user (indicating they liked a destination), CrafTrip recommends travel destinations to the user as well. The recommendation is calculated based on the tags that each destination is given. Example of tags are as follows: History, Beach, Sunny etc.
A few screenshots from our application
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