CouchDB API for data persistence and offline sync
is a Hapi plugin that implements
CouchDB’s Document API
and exposes a JavaScript API to manage databases, access and replications.
var Hapi = require('hapi')
var hoodieStore = require('@hoodie/store-server')
var PouchDB = require('pouchdb')
var server = new Hapi.Server()
port: 8000
register: hoodieStore,
options: {
PouchDB: PouchDB
}, function (error) {
if (error) throw error
server.start(function () {
console.log('Server running at %s',
PouchDB constructor. Required
options: {
PouchDB: require('pouchdb-core').plugin('pouchdb-adapter-leveldb')
If you want connect to a CouchDB, use the pouchdb-adapter-http
and set
to the CouchDB url. All requests will be proxied to CouchDB
directly, the PouchDB constructor is only used for
options: {
PouchDB: require('pouchdb-core')
prefix: 'http://localhost:5984',
auth: {
username: 'admin',
password: 'secret'
Route lifecycle hooks. Optional
options: {
hooks: {
onPreResponse: onPreResponseHandler,
onPreAuth: onPreAuthHandler,
onPostAuth: onPostAuthHandler,
onPreHandler: onPreHandlerHandler,
onPostHandler: onPostHandlerHandler,
onPreResponse: onPreResponseHandler
See for more information
Local setup
git clone
cd hoodie-store-server
npm install
Run all tests and code style checks
npm test
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