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HttpSniffer test changes

anandbagmar edited this page Jul 22, 2011 · 1 revision

Import relevant packages

Import packages
import com.thoughtworks.webanalyticsautomation.common.BROWSER;
import com.thoughtworks.webanalyticsautomation.plugins.WebAnalyticTool;
import static com.thoughtworks.webanalyticsautomation.Controller.getInstance;
import static com.thoughtworks.webanalyticsautomation.common.Utils.currentDirectory;
import static com.thoughtworks.webanalyticsautomation.common.Utils.fileSeparator;

Define & provide parameter values

Define & provide parameter values
private Engine engine;
private String baseURL = "";
private String navigateToURL = baseURL + "/2010/12/waat-web-analytics-automation-testing.html";
private String[] urlPatterns = new String[] {"GET /ps/ifr?container=friendconnect&mid=0"};
private int minimumNumberOfPackets = 1;

private String actionName = " OpenWAATArticleOnBlog_HttpSniffer";
private WebAnalyticTool webAnalyticTool = WebAnalyticTool.HTTP_SNIFFER;
private IputFileType inputFileType = InputFileType.XML;
private boolean keepLoadedFileInMemory = true;
private String log4jPropertiesAbsoluteFilePath = currentDirectory() + fileSeparator() + "resources"  + fileSeparator() + "";
private String inputDataFileName = currentDirectory() + fileSeparator() + "test"  + fileSeparator() + "sampledata"  + fileSeparator() + "TestData.xml";

Initialize Engine

Initialize Engine
engine = getInstance(webAnalyticTool, inputFileType, keepLoadedFileInMemory, log4jPropertiesAbsoluteFilePath);

Enable Web Analytics Testing

Enable Web Analytics Testing

Verify Web Analytics reporting using WAAT

Verify Web Analytics Reporting using WAAT
Result verificationResult = engine.verifyWebAnalyticsData (inputDataFileName, actionName, urlPatterns, minimumNumberOfPackets);

Sample validations

Sample validations
assertNotNull(verificationResult.getVerificationStatus(), "Verification status should NOT be NULL");
assertNotNull(verificationResult.getListOfErrors(), "Failure details should NOT be NULL");
assertEquals(verificationResult.getVerificationStatus(), Status.PASS, "Verification status should be PASS");
assertEquals(verificationResult.getListOfErrors().size(), 0, "Failure details should be empty");

Disable Web Analytics reporting

Disable Web Analytics Testing
*	If using TestNG, override the @AfterMethod annotation
*	If using JUnit, override the @After annotation
*	and add the following line in it:
*		        engine.disableWebAnalyticsTesting();
*	See the example shown below
public void tearDown() throws Exception {