This GitHub repository contains 4 comprehensive modules that cover a wide range of data structures and algorithms (DSA) solved using Python. The problems are sourced from popular coding platforms such as HackerRank, LeetCode, InterviewBit, and more. In addition to the DSA problem solutions, the repository also includes implementations of various data structures like stacks, queues, trees, linked lists, arrays, and graphs.
This module contains solutions to coding challenges from the HackerRank platform. The problems cover a variety of topics including arrays, strings, linked lists, trees, graphs, and more. Successful completion of these challenges has earned me a HackerRank certification.
The LeetCode module includes solutions to numerous coding problems from the popular LeetCode platform. The problems range in difficulty from easy to hard and cover data structures such as arrays, linked lists, trees, graphs, and advanced topics like dynamic programming.
This module focuses on solutions to coding problems from the InterviewBit platform. The problems are designed to simulate real-world interview questions and cover a wide spectrum of data structures and algorithmic concepts. Solving these challenges has helped me prepare for technical interviews.
In addition to the problems from the major coding platforms, this module includes solutions to various other coding challenges and data structure implementations. These problems are sourced from different online resources and cover a diverse range of topics and difficulty levels.
Each module includes well-documented Python code, with clear explanations of the problem, approach, and time/space complexity analysis. The repository is designed to be a comprehensive resource for anyone looking to improve their DSA skills using Python.