First of all, I used Redis in this example. Redis is an in-memory data structure store, used as a database, cache, and message broker. Because of this is applicable for some scenarios. If you need a persistent database, see RabbitMQ and/or Kafka.
This project was made for use Observer pattern, also known as: Event-Subscriber, Listener.
- api-notifications: API Restfull developed using NestJS responsible for the notifications endpoint and CRUD of users.
- api-subscribers: Microservice developed using NestJS responsible for consume the messages.
- app: Frontend developed using VueJS with PrimeVue.
Screen of UI for generate and see the notifications.
- Docker version 20+
- Docker Compose version v2+
- Clone the project;
- In the root folder (node-pubsub) run docker-compose up -d
- After some minutes access the url http://localhost:8000/
- Node v16+
Obs.: There are two services in the docker that you can use. MySQL and Redis. It's simple to use, comment the services' app, api-notifications, api-subscribers and run docker-compose up -d. Or you can change the variables (.env) for appoint for your local MySQL and Redis.
Clone the project;
In the root folder execute cd api-notifications;
Rename .env.example to .env
npm install
npm run migration:run
npm run start:dev
In the root folder execute cd api-subscribers;
Rename .env.example to .env
npm install
npm run start:dev
In the root folder execute cd app;
npm install
npm run dev
- Implement tests;
- Implement test containers;
- Create screen for manipulate users;
- Implement healthcheck in services;