Manage users and groups using a fancy syntax.
CLI for Groups and Users is a thin wrapper around the activeldap gem for environments that store their posix users and groups in openldap.
cligu [options] [command:user_or_group[operator<groups_or_users>][:attribute=value]*]*
Commands are:
- user
- group
- list:users and list:groups
Operators are:
add user to listed groups or members to group- = explicitly set groups or members
remove a user from the listed groups or members from a group
Attributes are passed directly to LDAP.
- list all users and groups
cligu list:users list:groups
- add the users bob, jon, and ron to the group “staff”
cligu group:staff+bob,jon,ron
- remove jon and jack from the group “authors”:
cligu group:authors%jon,jack
- add the user alice to the group “staff” and change the login shell and mail address:
cligu user:alice+staff:loginshell:/bin/
which may need the following LDAP-ACL to work:
access to attrs=loginshell,mail by self write by * break
- With the following command and LDAP-ACL, all members of any group with the description “selfsustained” can add or remove members to their group:
cligu group:grassroots:description=selfsustained
access to dn.sub="ou=groups,dc=example,dc=com" filter=(description=selfsustained) attr=memberUid by set="this/memberUid & user/uid" manage by * break
Run cligu --irb
to get the Cligu Console.
Here you have direct access to Activeldap: Examples:
f = Users.find('funky') f.homedirectory = '/home/funky'
n ='neo') pp n.errors ;nil
- The gems activeldap and ruby-ldap (see Gemfile).
- on Debian/Ubuntu, the gem ruby-ldap needs the packages:
build-essential libldap2-dev libsasl2-dev
- Currently, authentication is handled via Kerberos, so a working LDAP&Kerberos-Environment
- probably more
Cligu tries to guess connection details from /etc/ldap/ldap.conf /etc/ldap.conf ~/.ldaprc ENV['LDAPRC']
Configuration files are evaled in this order:
/etc/cligu_conf.rb, /etc/cligu.d/*_conf.rb, ~/.cligu_conf.rb, ~/.local/share/cligu/*_conf.rb, ENV['CLIGUCONF']
- Extend documentation
- Authentication via Username+Password
- Syntax for creating users, groups
- Drop dependency on activeldap
Copyright (c) 2010-2014 Andi Fink. See LICENSE for details.