DAT210 Programvareutvikling
Glare is a tool to search for picture on Twitter and Instagram. The application runs in fullscreen showing the pictures you searched for, just like a picture frame. There is posibilities to manage hashtags, pictures, displaytime through a settings panel.
1. Add connection named "glare" in MySQLWorkbench
2. Set username as "root"
3. No password
4. Create schema named "glare"
5. You're good to go, take a sip of Diet Coke:)
Access tokens
1. Create conf.ini and save it in the src/resource folder.
2. Add following information:
consumer_key="your twitter consumer key"
consumer_secret="your twitter consumer secret"
access_token="your instagram access token"
access_token_secret="your instagram access token secret"
client_id="your instagram client id"
Run the application and begin stalking.
If you want to run Hibernate Tests:
1. Click on "hibernate.cfg.xml" in src folder
2. Change from "update" to "create" where it says "hbm2ddl.auto"
3. Run hibernate/db tests
4. Change back from "create" to "update" when you want to run the application