Just an educational project for repeating and consolidating acquired knowledge.
- Trello board
- Miro board
- Dbdiagram (for creating used PgAdmin => Backup => plain => Only schema => Remove all checkboxes => Generate .sql => Import to the dbdiagram)
- Figma
- NodeJS (16.10.x);
- TypeScript (4.8.x);
- RxJS (7.4.x);
- NPM (8.x.x);
- PostgreSQL (14.2)
For diagram creation used Mermerd tool
RefreshTokens {
integer Id PK
text Token
text JwtId
timestamp_with_time_zone ExpiresAt
boolean Used
boolean Invalidated
integer UserId FK
timestamp_with_time_zone CreatedAt
timestamp_with_time_zone UpdatedAt
Users {
integer Id PK
text Username
timestamp_with_time_zone CreatedAt
timestamp_with_time_zone UpdatedAt
bytea PasswordHash
bytea PasswordSalt
timestamp_with_time_zone VerifiedAt
text Email
RefreshTokens }o--|| Users : "UserId"