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Build Instructions for Windows

andre-schulz edited this page Sep 30, 2016 · 4 revisions

Wiki HomeBuild Instructions for Windows

Building on Windows

Building MVS-Texturing on Windows is possible, but unsupported. There are a few issues when compiling with Visual Studio which have been patched in the "cmake" branch of Andre Schulz' fork of MVS-Texturing ( A list of patched issues follows:

  • Replace GNU make build system with CMake
  • Downgraded OpenMP 3.0+ code back to 2.0 because Visual Studio only supports OpenMP 2.0


  • 64-bit Windows
  • Visual Studio 2015 (64-bit) or newer
  • CMake 3.1 or newer

Build instructions:

  1. First, build MVE according to the MVE build instructions for Windows
  2. Pull from into a folder parallel to "mve". (i.e. if you cloned MVE into "/path/to/mve", then you should clone mvs-texturing into "/path/to/mvs-texturing")
  3. Switch to the "cmake" branch (respectively "remotes/origin/cmake")
  4. Run cmake (configure + generate) in "mvs-texturing" folder
  5. Open "Texturing.sln"
  6. Set your desired solution configuration (you'll most likely want "Release")
  7. Build the solution

You can find the resulting binary in "apps/texrecon/<CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE>", where CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE is your chosen build type, i.e. one of { Release, Debug, RelWithDebInfo, MinSizeRel }.

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