A simple web application to manage Raspberry PI GPIO.
Actually this is a work in progress, any suggestions will be appreciated!
The following feature are already available
- /gpio: allows to send high or low signal to a GPIO pin
- /lcd: allows to to send a text to a I2C LCD display
- /led_blink: allows to blink a led connected to a specific GPIO PIN
- /tasks: allows to create background tasks. Actually this is only a demo page, that shows how to create and handle background tasks
- /camera: show a live video streaming from a PiCamera (or a simulated one if not available)
This project requires:
- Python 3.6
- Redis
Redis installation depends on your platform:
- macOS, you can install with Brew
brew install redis
- Linux, you can install via terminal
sudo apt-get install redis-server
When Redis is installed, simply start it with this command:
$ redis-server
To start this web application, follow the following steps.
- Clone the repository:
git clone git@github.com:BubiDevs/MagnumPi.git
cd MagnumPi
- Create the virtual environment and install the dependencies:
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
(venv) pip install -r requirements.txt
Note: if you are installing the webapp on RaspberryPi, use the requirements-rpi.txt
file. It will install the platform dependant packages to use GPIO and LCD display.
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
(venv) pip install -r requirements-rpi.txt
As pre-requisited, clone and install the dependencies as descibed in the Usage and deployment section.
During the development phase, you can run the web application using flask
. These are the commands that you need to run the app:
source venv/bin/activate
(venv) cd code
(venv) export SIMULATOR=1
(venv) export FLASK_APP=magnumpi.py
(venv) rq worker magnumpi-tasks
(venv) flask run --host=
Some notes:
is a bash variable that allows the application to run outside a Raspberry Pi. Access to GPIO is simulated through mock classes inside fakeRPi package. UseSIMULATOR=1
when the wep application is not running on a Raspberry PI.--host=
allows to access flask web site also from outside the local machine- Redis must be running on the same machine in order to start the application (it's possible to change this configuration inside config.py file)
rq worker magnumpi-tasks
this command start a worker for Redis. You can also start more workers depending on your needs.
As pre-requisited, clone and install the dependencies as descibed in the Usage and deployment section.
For the production deploy, we are going to use gunicorn
as production web server. Install it using pip
(venv) pip install gunicorn
In a separate terminal tab, start redis workers:
cd MagnumPi
source venv/bin/activate
(venv) cd code
(venv) rq worker magnumpi-tasks
To start MagnumPi under gunicorn:
(venv) cd code
(venv) gunicorn -b localhost:8000 -w 4 magnumpi:app
Note: If you need to access to web application from outside the deployment machine, you'll need to change localhost with the IP of the target machine.
Here is a list of the planning activities. Some are quite simple, other could be a little bit tricky to implement.
- GPIO section: set to low or high a specific pin
- GPIO section: read a value from a specific pin
- GPIO section: support for GPIO buttons
- Add the capability to stop a background task (running or queued)
- Display the current status of a running job directly in the task table
- Handle errors if LCD display is not connected
- Support multiline strings in LCD display
- Review and improve MyGPIO class