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SSH Zone Handler

  • You run your own DNS server(s), providing Secondary DNS to others?
  • You want to provide your DNS tenants with a bit of debugging self-service?
  • You like SSH, but you don't want to grant people not-you full shell access?

If so, then this might just be the tool for you.


Usage example, based on local Vagrantfile setup.

$ vagrant up
$ alias ssh="ssh -i .vagrant/machines/secondary/virtualbox/private_key"
$ ssh alice@ help
usage: command [ZONE]

help                 Display this help message
list                 List available zones
dump ZONE            Output full content of ZONE
logs ZONE1 [ZONE2]   Output the last five days' log entries for ZONE(s)
retransfer ZONE      Trigger a full (AXFR) retransfer of ZONE
status ZONE          Show ZONE status
$ ssh alice@ list
$ ssh alice@ logs
Apr 28 17:52:00 szh-secondary named[2821]: zone Transfer started.
Apr 28 17:52:00 szh-secondary named[2821]: transfer of '' from connected using
Apr 28 17:52:00 szh-secondary named[2821]: zone transferred serial 26281038
Apr 28 17:52:00 szh-secondary named[2821]: transfer of '' from Transfer status: success
Apr 28 17:52:00 szh-secondary named[2821]: transfer of '' from Transfer completed: 1 messages, 6 records, 190 bytes, 0.008 secs (23750 bytes/sec) (serial 26281038)

Setup instructions

Create log viewer user with journald access

adduser --system --no-create-home --home /nonexistent --shell /usr/sbin/nologin --ingroup systemd-journal log-viewer

Create configuration

Create /etc/zone-handler.yaml based on either zone-handler.yaml.bind.example or zone-handler.yaml.knot.example.

Install application

python3 -m venv /opt/ssh-zone-handler
/opt/ssh-zone-handler/bin/pip3 install ssh-zone-handler

Generate sudoers rules

/opt/ssh-zone-handler/bin/szh-sudoers | EDITOR="tee" visudo -f /etc/sudoers.d/zone-handler

Configure sshd

Match User alice,bob
     ForceCommand /opt/ssh-zone-handler/bin/szh-wrapper
     PermitTTY no
     AllowTcpForwarding no
     X11Forwarding no

Known limitations

  • Might be Ubuntu distro specific