A simpler way to manage tree of goroutines
Call maestro.New(parentCtx)
to acquire a new maestro.Context
besides the methods available on context.Context
this object allows
you to spin-up go routines and track their completion.
The advantage of maestro.Context
is that tracking the lifetime of
child goroutines is easier so you can start a tear-down operation
from the parent context but wait until all children goroutines
have completed their clean-up process.
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), time.Second*2)
m := New(ctx)
m.Spawn(func(ctx maestro.Context) error { { <-ctx.Done(); time.Sleep(time.Second / 2); return nil } })
m.Spawn(func(ctx maestro.Context) error {
ctx.Spawn(func(ctx maestro.Context) error { time.Sleep(time.Second / 2); return nil })
// Wait without a timeout
return ctx.WaitChildren(nil)
// Process tree have at least 1 second to perform cleanup
The previous code-block shows how easy it is to create a process-tree and wait for all children processes to finish before returning.