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627 lines (503 loc) · 24.3 KB

File metadata and controls

627 lines (503 loc) · 24.3 KB

UPGRADE FROM 6.4 to 7.0

Symfony 6.4 and Symfony 7.0 are released simultaneously at the end of November 2023. According to the Symfony release process, both versions have the same features, but Symfony 7.0 doesn't include any deprecated features. To upgrade, make sure to resolve all deprecation notices. Read more about this in the Symfony documentation.

Symfony 7.0 introduced many native return and property types. Read the announcement blogpost on how to quickly make your code compatible.

Table of Contents





  • Add parameter \Closure $isSameDatabase to DoctrineDbalAdapter::configureSchema()
  • Drop support for Postgres < 9.5 and SQL Server < 2008 in DoctrineDbalAdapter


  • Require explicit argument when calling NodeBuilder::setParent()


  • Remove Command::$defaultName and Command::$defaultDescription, use the AsCommand attribute instead


    use Symfony\Component\Console\Command\Command;
    class CreateUserCommand extends Command
        protected static $defaultName = 'app:create-user';
        protected static $defaultDescription = 'Creates users';
        // ...


    use Symfony\Component\Console\Attribute\AsCommand;
    use Symfony\Component\Console\Command\Command;
    #[AsCommand(name: 'app:create-user', description: 'Creates users')]
    class CreateUserCommand extends Command
        // ...
  • Require explicit argument when calling *Command::setApplication(), *FormatterStyle::setForeground/setBackground(), Helper::setHelpSet(), Input*::setDefault() and Question::setAutocompleterCallback/setValidator()

  • Remove StringInput::REGEX_STRING, use StringInput::REGEX_UNQUOTED_STRING or StringInput::REGEX_QUOTED_STRING instead

  • Add method __toString() to InputInterface


  • Rename #[MapDecorated] to #[AutowireDecorated]

  • Remove ProxyHelper, use Symfony\Component\VarExporter\ProxyHelper instead

  • Remove ReferenceSetArgumentTrait

  • Remove support of @required annotation, use the Symfony\Contracts\Service\Attribute\Required attribute instead

  • Require explicit argument when calling ContainerAwareTrait::setContainer()

  • Remove PhpDumper options inline_factories_parameter and inline_class_loader_parameter, use options inline_factories and inline_class_loader with the direct boolean value instead

  • Parameter names of ParameterBag cannot be numerics

  • Remove ContainerAwareInterface and ContainerAwareTrait, use dependency injection instead


    class MailingListService implements ContainerAwareInterface
        use ContainerAwareTrait;
        public function sendMails()
            $mailer = $this->container->get('mailer');
            // ...


    use Symfony\Component\Mailer\MailerInterface;
    class MailingListService
        public function __construct(
            private MailerInterface $mailer,
        ) {
        public function sendMails()
            $mailer = $this->mailer;
            // ...

    To fetch services lazily, you can use a service subscriber.

  • Add parameter string $id = null and bool &$asGhostObject = null to LazyProxy\PhpDumper\DumperInterface::isProxyCandidate() and getProxyCode()

  • Add parameter string $source = null to FileLoader::registerClasses()


  • Remove DoctrineDbalCacheAdapterSchemaSubscriber, use DoctrineDbalCacheAdapterSchemaListener instead

  • Remove MessengerTransportDoctrineSchemaSubscriber, use MessengerTransportDoctrineSchemaListener instead

  • Remove RememberMeTokenProviderDoctrineSchemaSubscriber, use RememberMeTokenProviderDoctrineSchemaListener instead

  • Remove DbalLogger, use a middleware instead

  • Remove DoctrineDataCollector::addLogger(), use a DebugDataHolder instead

  • Remove ContainerAwareLoader, use dependency injection in your fixtures instead

  • ContainerAwareEventManager::getListeners() must be called with an event name

  • DoctrineBridge now requires doctrine/event-manager:^2

  • Add parameter \Closure $isSameDatabase to DoctrineTokenProvider::configureSchema()

  • Remove support for Doctrine subscribers in ContainerAwareEventManager, use listeners instead


    use Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\EventSubscriber\EventSubscriberInterface;
    use Doctrine\ORM\Event\PostFlushEventArgs;
    use Doctrine\ORM\Events;
    class InvalidateCacheSubscriber implements EventSubscriberInterface
         public function getSubscribedEvents(): array
             return [Events::postFlush];
         public function postFlush(PostFlushEventArgs $args): void
             // ...


    use Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\Attribute\AsDoctrineListener;
    use Doctrine\ORM\Event\PostFlushEventArgs;
    use Doctrine\ORM\Events;
    // Instead of PHP attributes, you can also tag this service with "doctrine.event_listener"
    #[AsDoctrineListener(event: Events::postFlush)]
    class InvalidateCacheSubscriber
         public function postFlush(PostFlushEventArgs $args): void
             // ...


  • Add parameter bool $normalizeWhitespace = true to Crawler::innerText()
  • Add parameter string $default = null to Crawler::attr()


  • The in and not in operators now use strict comparison


  • Add parameter bool $lock = false to Filesystem::appendToFile()


  • Throw when using DateTime or DateTimeImmutable model data with a different timezone than configured with the model_timezone option in DateType, DateTimeType, and TimeType
  • Make the "widget" option of date/time form types default to "single_text"
  • Require explicit argument when calling Button/Form::setParent(), ButtonBuilder/FormConfigBuilder::setDataMapper(), TransformationFailedException::setInvalidMessage()
  • PostSetDataEvent::setData() throws an exception, use PreSetDataEvent::setData() instead
  • PostSubmitEvent::setData() throws an exception, use PreSubmitDataEvent::setData() or SubmitDataEvent::setData() instead
  • Add $duplicatePreferredChoices parameter to ChoiceListFactoryInterface::createView()


  • Renamed command translation:update to translation:extract

  • Remove the Symfony\Component\Serializer\Normalizer\ObjectNormalizer and Symfony\Component\Serializer\Normalizer\PropertyNormalizer autowiring aliases, type-hint against Symfony\Component\Serializer\Normalizer\NormalizerInterface or implement NormalizerAwareInterface instead

  • Remove the Http\Client\HttpClient service, use Psr\Http\Client\ClientInterface instead

  • Remove AbstractController::renderForm(), pass the FormInterface as parameter to render()


    $this->renderForm(..., ['form' => $form]);


    $this->render(..., ['form' => $form]);
  • Remove the integration of the Doctrine annotations library, use native attributes instead

  • Remove EnableLoggerDebugModePass, use argument $debug of HttpKernel's Logger instead

  • Remove AddDebugLogProcessorPass::configureLogger(), use HttpKernel's DebugLoggerConfigurator instead

  • Add array $tokenAttributes = [] optional parameter to KernelBrowser::loginUser()

  • Change default of some config options:

    option default Symfony <7.0 default in Symfony 7.0+
    framework.http_method_override true false
    framework.handle_all_throwables false true
    framework.php_errors.log '%kernel.debug%' true
    framework.session.cookie_secure false auto
    framework.session.cookie_samesite null 'lax'
    framework.session.handler_id 'session.handler.native' null if save_path is not set, 'session.handler.native_file' otherwise
    framework.uid.default_uuid_version 6 7
    framework.uid.time_based_uuid_version 6 7
    framework.validation.email_validation_mode 'loose' 'html5'
  • Remove the framework.validation.enable_annotations config option, use framework.validation.enable_attributes instead

  • Remove the framework.serializer.enable_annotations config option, use framework.serializer.enable_attributes instead

  • Remove the routing.loader.annotation service, use the routing.loader.attribute service instead

  • Remove the service, use the service instead

  • Remove the routing.loader.annotation.file service, use the routing.loader.attribute.file service instead

  • Remove AnnotatedRouteControllerLoader, use AttributeRouteControllerLoader instead

  • Remove AddExpressionLanguageProvidersPass, use Symfony\Component\Routing\DependencyInjection\AddExpressionLanguageProvidersPass instead

  • Remove DataCollectorTranslatorPass, use Symfony\Component\Translation\DependencyInjection\DataCollectorTranslatorPass instead

  • Remove LoggingTranslatorPass, use Symfony\Component\Translation\DependencyInjection\LoggingTranslatorPass instead

  • Remove WorkflowGuardListenerPass, use Symfony\Component\Workflow\DependencyInjection\WorkflowGuardListenerPass instead


  • Calling ParameterBag::filter() on an invalid value throws an UnexpectedValueException instead of returning false. The exception is more specific for InputBag which throws a BadRequestException when invalid value is found. The flag FILTER_NULL_ON_FAILURE can be used to return null instead of throwing an exception.
  • The methods ParameterBag::getInt() and ParameterBag::getBool() no longer fallback to 0 or false when the value cannot be converted to the expected type. They throw a UnexpectedValueException instead.
  • Remove RequestMatcher, use ChainRequestMatcher instead
  • Remove ExpressionRequestMatcher, use RequestMatcher\ExpressionRequestMatcher instead
  • Rename Request::getContentType() to Request::getContentTypeFormat()
  • Throw an InvalidArgumentException when calling Request::create() with a malformed URI
  • Require explicit argument when calling JsonResponse::setCallback(), Response::setExpires/setLastModified/setEtag(), MockArraySessionStorage/NativeSessionStorage::setMetadataBag(), NativeSessionStorage::setSaveHandler()
  • Add parameter int $statusCode = null to Response::sendHeaders() and StreamedResponse::sendHeaders()


  • Remove implementing Http\Message\RequestFactory from HttplugClient


  • Add parameter \ReflectionFunctionAbstract $reflector = null to ArgumentResolverInterface::getArguments() and ArgumentMetadataFactoryInterface::createArgumentMetadata()
  • Add argument $buildDir to WarmableInterface
  • Remove ArgumentValueResolverInterface, use ValueResolverInterface instead
  • Remove StreamedResponseListener
  • Remove AbstractSurrogate::$phpEscapeMap
  • Rename HttpKernelInterface::MASTER_REQUEST to HttpKernelInterface::MAIN_REQUEST
  • Remove terminate_on_cache_hit option from HttpCache, it will now always act as false
  • Require explicit argument when calling ConfigDataCollector::setKernel(), RouterListener::setCurrentRequest()
  • Remove FileLinkFormatter, use FileLinkFormatter from the ErrorHandler component instead
  • Remove UriSigner, use UriSigner from the HttpFoundation component instead
  • Remove Kernel::stripComments()
  • Add argument $filter to Profiler::find() and FileProfilerStorage::find()


  • Add parameter \Closure $isSameDatabase to DoctrineDbalStore::configureSchema()
  • Rename gcProbablity (notice the typo) option to gcProbability in the MongoDbStore


  • Remove the OhMySmtp bridge in favor of the MailPace bridge


  • Add parameter \Closure $isSameDatabase to DoctrineTransport::configureSchema()

  • Remove MessageHandlerInterface and MessageSubscriberInterface, use #[AsMessageHandler] instead


    use Symfony\Component\Messenger\Handler\MessageHandlerInterface;
    use Symfony\Component\Messenger\Handler\MessageSubscriberInterface;
    class SmsNotificationHandler implements MessageHandlerInterface
        public function __invoke(SmsNotification $message): void
            // ...
    class UploadedImageHandler implements MessageSubscriberInterface
        public static function getHandledMessages(): iterable
            yield ThumbnailUploadedImage::class => ['method' => 'handleThumbnail'];
            yield ProfilePictureUploadedImage::class => ['method' => 'handleProfilePicture'];
        // ...


    use Symfony\Component\Messenger\Attribute\AsMessageHandler;
    class SmsNotificationHandler
        public function __invoke(SmsNotification $message): void
            // ...
    class UploadedImageHandler
        public function handleThumbnail(ThumbnailUploadedImage $message): void
            // ...
        public function handleThumbnail(ProfilePictureUploadedImage $message): void
            // ...
  • Remove StopWorkerOnSigtermSignalListener in favor of using the SignalableCommandInterface

  • Remove StopWorkerOnSignalsListener in favor of using the SignalableCommandInterface

  • Rename Symfony\Component\Messenger\Transport\InMemoryTransport and Symfony\Component\Messenger\Transport\InMemoryTransportFactory to Symfony\Component\Messenger\Transport\InMemory\InMemoryTransport and Symfony\Component\Messenger\Transport\InMemory\InMemoryTransportFactory respectively

  • Remove HandlerFailedException::getNestedExceptions(), HandlerFailedException::getNestedExceptionsOfClass() and DelayedMessageHandlingException::getExceptions() which are replaced by a new getWrappedExceptions() method


  • Remove Email::attachPart() method, use Email::addPart() instead
  • Require explicit argument when calling Message::setBody()


  • Drop support for monolog < 3.0
  • Remove class Logger, use HttpKernel's DebugLoggerConfigurator instead


  • Add method isNullSafe() to PropertyPathInterface
  • Require explicit argument when calling PropertyAccessorBuilder::setCacheItemPool()


  • Remove the bridge, use VarExporter's lazy objects instead


  • Add parameter array $routeParameters to UrlMatcher::handleRouteRequirements()
  • Remove Doctrine annotations support in favor of native attributes. Use Symfony\Component\Routing\Annotation\Route as native attribute now
  • Remove AnnotationClassLoader, use AttributeClassLoader instead
  • Remove AnnotationDirectoryLoader, use AttributeDirectoryLoader instead
  • Remove AnnotationFileLoader, use AttributeFileLoader instead


  • Add parameter string $badgeFqcn = null to Passport::addBadge()
  • Add parameter int $lifetime = null to LoginLinkHandlerInterface::createLoginLink()
  • Require explicit argument when calling TokenStorage::setToken()
  • Change argument $lastUsed of TokenProviderInterface::updateToken() to accept DateTimeInterface
  • Throw when calling the constructor of DefaultLoginRateLimiter with an empty secret


  • Enabling SecurityBundle and not configuring it is not allowed, either remove the bundle or configure at least one firewall
  • Remove the require_previous_session config option from authenticators


  • Add method getSupportedTypes() to DenormalizerInterface and NormalizerInterface

  • Remove denormalization support for AbstractUid in UidNormalizer, use one of AbstractUid child class instead

  • Denormalizing to an abstract class in UidNormalizer now throws an \Error

  • Remove ContextAwareDenormalizerInterface and ContextAwareNormalizerInterface, use DenormalizerInterface and NormalizerInterface instead


    use Symfony\Component\Serializer\Normalizer\ContextAwareNormalizerInterface;
    class TopicNormalizer implements ContextAwareNormalizerInterface
        public function normalize($topic, string $format = null, array $context = [])


    use Symfony\Component\Serializer\Normalizer\NormalizerInterface;
    class TopicNormalizer implements NormalizerInterface
        public function normalize($topic, string $format = null, array $context = [])
  • Remove CacheableSupportsMethodInterface, use NormalizerInterface and DenormalizerInterface instead


    use Symfony\Component\Serializer\Normalizer\NormalizerInterface;
    use Symfony\Component\Serializer\Normalizer\CacheableSupportsMethodInterface;
    class TopicNormalizer implements NormalizerInterface, CacheableSupportsMethodInterface
        public function supportsNormalization($data, string $format = null, array $context = []): bool
            return $data instanceof Topic;
        public function hasCacheableSupportsMethod(): bool
            return true;
        // ...


    use Symfony\Component\Serializer\Normalizer\NormalizerInterface;
    class TopicNormalizer implements NormalizerInterface
        public function supportsNormalization($data, string $format = null, array $context = []): bool
            return $data instanceof Topic;
        public function getSupportedTypes(?string $format): array
            return [
                Topic::class => true,
        // ...
  • Require explicit argument when calling AttributeMetadata::setSerializedName() and ClassMetadata::setClassDiscriminatorMapping()

  • Add parameter array $context = [] to NormalizerInterface::supportsNormalization() and DenormalizerInterface::supportsDenormalization()

  • Remove Doctrine annotations support in favor of native attributes

  • Remove the annotation reader parameter from the constructor of AnnotationLoader

  • The following Normalizer classes have become final, use decoration instead of inheritance:

    • ConstraintViolationListNormalizer
    • CustomNormalizer
    • DataUriNormalizer
    • DateIntervalNormalizer
    • DateTimeNormalizer
    • DateTimeZoneNormalizer
    • GetSetMethodNormalizer
    • JsonSerializableNormalizer
    • ObjectNormalizer
    • PropertyNormalizer


    use Symfony\Component\Serializer\Normalizer\ObjectNormalizer;
    class TopicNormalizer extends ObjectNormalizer
        // ...
        public function normalize($topic, string $format = null, array $context = []): array
            $data = parent::normalize($topic, $format, $context);
            // ...


    use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Attribute\Autowire;
    use Symfony\Component\Serializer\Normalizer\DenormalizerInterface;
    use Symfony\Component\Serializer\Normalizer\NormalizerInterface;
    class TopicNormalizer implements NormalizerInterface
        public function __construct(
            #[Autowire(service: 'serializer.normalizer.object')] private NormalizerInterface&DenormalizerInterface $objectNormalizer,
        ) {
        public function normalize($topic, string $format = null, array $context = []): array
            $data = $this->objectNormalizer->normalize($topic, $format, $context);
            // ...
        // ...
  • Remove AnnotationLoader, use AttributeLoader instead


  • Remove the component; use Twig instead


  • Remove PhpStringTokenParser
  • Remove PhpExtractor in favor of PhpAstExtractor


  • Remove the Twig_Environment autowiring alias, use Twig\Environment instead
  • Remove option twig.autoescape; create a class that implements your escaping strategy (check FileExtensionEscapingStrategy::guess() for inspiration) and reference it using the twig.autoescape_service option instead
  • Drop support for Twig 2


  • Add methods getConstraint(), getCause() and __toString() to ConstraintViolationInterface
  • Add method __toString() to ConstraintViolationListInterface
  • Add method disableTranslation() to ConstraintViolationBuilderInterface
  • Remove static property $errorNames from all constraints, use const ERROR_NAMES instead
  • Remove static property $versions from the Ip constraint, use the VERSIONS constant instead
  • Remove VALIDATION_MODE_LOOSE from Email constraint, use VALIDATION_MODE_HTML5 instead
  • Remove constraint ExpressionLanguageSyntax, use ExpressionSyntax instead. The new constraint is ignored when the value is null or blank, consistently with the other constraints in this component
  • Remove Doctrine annotations support in favor of native attributes
  • Remove ValidatorBuilder::setDoctrineAnnotationReader()
  • Remove ValidatorBuilder::addDefaultDoctrineAnnotationReader()
  • Remove ValidatorBuilder::enableAnnotationMapping(), use ValidatorBuilder::enableAttributeMapping() instead
  • Remove ValidatorBuilder::disableAnnotationMapping(), use ValidatorBuilder::disableAttributeMapping() instead
  • Remove AnnotationLoader, use AttributeLoader instead


  • Add parameter string $label = null to VarDumper::dump()
  • Require explicit argument when calling VarDumper::setHandler()


  • Remove support for per-property lazy-initializers


  • Require explicit argument when calling Definition::setInitialPlaces()
  • GuardEvent::getContext() method has been removed. Method was not supposed to be called within guard event listeners as it always returned an empty array anyway.


  • Remove the !php/const: tag, use !php/const instead (without the colon)