Axl is a data aggregator for the Brazilian financial market. Built for quantitative analisys.
Make sure you have the latest Rust stable version installed before proceeding.
- Configure your PostgreSQL database using the
file, you can start from the sample:
cp .env.sample .env
- Install the diesel-cli and create the database:
cargo install diesel_cli
diesel setup
diesel migrate
- Start the server
cargo run --release
The server will automatically start to update the historical prices, it can take some hours in the first start because there's a lot to download.
This example retrieves the historical prices of two investment funds and creates a pandas dataframe:
import pandas as pd
cnpjs = ['29.177.013/0001-12', '33.270.025/0001-64']
df = pd.read_json('http://localhost:8000/api/fund/prices?cnpj='+'&cnpj='.join(cnpjs))
df = df.pivot(index='date', columns='cnpj', values='price')