I am a graduate of FMU with a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science and have acquired over five years of experience as a developer. My career path began as an trainee at Vivo's IVR project, where I first worked in the back-end and have since progressed to a full stack developer. My passion for technology is evident in my work, but I also enjoy the outdoors and walking for relaxation.
I have expertise primarily in technical skills in Java, TypeScript, JavaScript, SQL and Docker. Through my experience, I have learned to approach each project with a growth mindset, eager to contribute meaningfully and make the difference. I am constantly striving to improve and face new challenges, confident in my abilities to deliver high-quality work.
I'm sorry if there are any mistakes in my English. It's not my first language and I'm still improving.
- 🔭 I am currently in process at Aubay
- 🌱 I’m currently learning ...
- English
- Kubernetes
- Servles implementation
- Cloud Native
- Front-end with server side (Next)
- 💬 Entertainment
- Custom cars
- Games
- Movies
- 😄 Pronouns: He/HIM
java: {
"core", "spring-boot"
topLibraries: [
designPattns: "mvc",
principles: "SOLID"
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This Spring boot project was developed with the default authentication settings in mind and documentation to serve as a basis for developing other projects.
Front-end has a lot of diversification, so I would also like to include that I initially worked on Core HTML, CSS and JS projects, then I used JQuery as the main library for a while and today I use NodeJs in my projects, and I have knowledge of the frameworks:
- Angular
- React
- NextJs
vanillaProjects: {
tecnologyProject: ["HTML", "CSS", "JavaScript"],
topLibrary: ["JQuery", "GridJS", "ChartJS", "Bootstrap"]
nodeProjects: {
frameworks: ["Angular", "React", "NextJs"],
topLibraries: {
angular: ["@angular/material", "@angular/common", "@angular/forms", "@angular/router"],
react: ["Material-UI", "Axios", "Unform", "YUP", "React-Router-Dom"],
Nextjs: ["Tailwind", "Unform", "YUP", "contentlayer", "flowbite"]
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My portfolio is a NodeJs project using NextJs 13 Framework (App Router).
It is processed server-side by default, helping with page loading and SEO.
Main Tools:
- NodeJs
- TypeScript
- NextJs
- Tailwind
See more -> click here.
Considerations: Professional projects are private and uploaded to the corporation's gitlabs, the projects available here on my Github profile are personal.