Library to calculate minimal and maximum solutions using Genetic Algorithm.
Current specs:
- Each solution for a population generates 2 children solutions
- Only best 50% of generate children survive to generate next solutions
- No parents surviving
var galgo = require('galgo');
galgo.fitnessFunction = myFitnessFunction;
galgo.options = myOptions; // optionally set 1 or more options (or replace by its own)
var result =;
Options with default values, that can be changed through galgo.options
options: {
chromosomeLength: 10, // length of encoding array of bits
generationsQty: 5, // quantity of generations to run (#iterations)
mutationProbability: 0.02, // probability of mutation occur on next generation of a solution: [0, 1]
populationSize: 10000 // size of solutions per generation,
interval: { // interval of accepted solution
min: -2,
max: 2
On this initial version, galgo expects fitness function, or fitness function, only with 1 or 2 variables.
It's defined by galgo.fitnessFunction
var galgo = require('galgo');
galgo.fitnessFunction = function myFitnessFn(x, y) {
return x * x + 4 * y * y + 4 * y + x;