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Simple Vue App for hosting personal CV page



Scrutinizer Code Quality Build Status

System Status System Uptime

Known Vulnerabilities

Vulnerabilities Code Smells Lines of Code Technical Debt Reliability Rating Duplicated Lines (%) Bugs Security Rating Maintainability Rating

Code Climate issues Code Climate technical debt Code Climate maintainability Maintainability

CodeFactor CodeFactor Grade

OpenSSF Best Practices CII Best Practices Tiered Percentage CII Best Practices Level CII Best Practices Summary

W3C Validation GitHub language count


😂 Here is a random joke that'll make you laugh!

Jokes Card


Project setup


Compiles and hot-reloads for development

npm run serve

Compiles and minifies for production

npm run build

Lints and fixes files

npm run lint
npx mega-linter-runner --flavor salesforce -e 'ENABLE=,DOCKERFILE,MARKDOWN,YAML' -e 'SHOW_ELAPSED_TIME=true'

SNYK check dependencies and generate html report file

npx snyk test --json > reports/snyk_results && npx snyk-to-html -i reports/snyk_results.json -o reports/snyk_results.html -s

BDD configured cypress for e2e tests

No longer do your business, development and testing teams need to translate each others requirements and reports into something else to do their job. This natural language, behavior-driven development (BDD) library exists to simplify the documenting of requirements and the testing of your API's. Gherkin Syntax

How's it Work?

In most environments, contributors - which include Product Owners, Subject Matter Experts, Architects, Solution Owner/Architects, Tech/Team Leads, and more - create scenarios which are added to feature files. In most cases these are added to existing project repositories (or newly created ones). The developer then reviews the requirements (or acceptance criteria) and creates functionality to support, while running those scnearios as as tests with every change to confirm that there's been no regressions and that the feature is functionally complete.

The BDD + TDD Workflow


    Given I am a JSON API consumer
      And I am executing test "RSJ2"
     When I request GET "/json/users"
     Then I should get a status code of 200
      And the response value of "users[0].email" should equal ""
      And the response value of "users[0]" should not equal "Boston"

Run tests locally

npx cypress run

Customize configuration

See Configuration Reference.