Requires this Go Module to be in $HOME/go/src/
to work with iptables
unless you set the ModuleDirectory
GO111MODULE=off go get
Run your Go program with GO111MODULE=off go run program.go
Run examples/example.go
var ip_ac ipac.Ipac
// notify closure, use to send firewall notifications to admins
ip_ac.NotifyClosure = func(message_id int, info string, ips []string) {
// message_id is an int specifying the message id
// info is a string about the event
// ips is a list of ip addresses related to the event
// set authorization status for an IP
// logout
ipac.ModifyAuth(&ip_ac, 0, "")
// invalid login credentials
ipac.ModifyAuth(&ip_ac, 1, "")
// authorized (valid login credentials)
ipac.ModifyAuth(&ip_ac, 2, "")
// test authorization status for an IP
// this needs to be called every time there is a new IP connection
var status = ipac.TestIpAllowed(&ip_ac, "")
fmt.Printf("TestIpAllowed %t\n", status)
// test if you should warn users from an IP
var warn = ipac.TestIpWarn(&ip_ac, "")
fmt.Printf("TestIpWarn %t\n", warn)
// return details for a specific ip address
var ip_details = ipac.IpDetails(&ip_ac, "")
fmt.Printf("IpDetails %+v\n", ip_details)
Set these in the object {} passed as the first argument to ipac.Init()
if you want to change the defaults shown here.
// default configurable options
// how many seconds between each iteration of the cleanup loop
o.CleanupLoopSeconds = 60
// how many seconds to ban/block entities for
o.BlockForSeconds = 60 * 60 * 24
// maximum depth to classify IPv6 is
// 64 bits of a network prefix and 64 bits of an interface identifier
// 64 bits is 4 groups that are 16 bits each
o.BlockIpv6SubnetsGroupDepth = 4
// the number of IP bans within a subnet group required for a subnet group to be blocked
o.BlockIpv6SubnetsBreach = 40
// number of lowest level subnets to block
// multiplied by itself for each step back
// example values: depth 4 and breach 40
// example ip: 2404:3c00:c140:b3c0:5d43:d92e:7b4f:5d52
// 2404* blocked at 40*40*40*40 ips
// 2404:3c00* blocked at 40*40*40 ips
// 2404:3c00:c140* blocked at 40*40 ips
// 2404:3c00:c140:b3c0* blocked at 40 ips
// warn after N unauthorized new connections
// requests from these IP addresses should
// display a denial of service warning for the IP
// in the user interface
o.WarnAfterNewConnections = 80
// block after N unauthorized new connections
o.BlockAfterNewConnections = 600
// block after N invalid authorization attempts
// this prevents login guessing many times from the same IP address
o.BlockAfterUnauthedAttempts = 30
// notify after N absurd auth attempts
// failed authorization attempts after the IP has been authorized
o.NotifyAfterAbsurdAuthAttempts = 20
// IP addresses were blocked
// IP addresses exceeded the o.NotifyAfterAbsurdAuthAttempts limit
// IPv6 subnet was blocked
// set to a function to receive firewall events and ip information
// leave as nil to not receive this information
o.NotifyClosure = func(message_id int, info string, ips []string) {
// message_id is an int specifying the message id
// info is a string about the event
// ips is a list of ip addresses related to the event
// go-ip-ac module path (required if not in $HOME/go
o.ModuleDirectory = "/path/to/module"
// enable/disable the firewall
o.NeverBlock = false
You may want the total counts.
// count of IP Addresses that have connected in the last ip_ac.block_for_seconds
// count of IP Addresses that are blocked
// count of IP Addresses that are warned
// count of subnets that are blocked
If you want to read each of the IP addresses, use .Lock()
and .Unlock()
of the Ipac
struct usually named o
that you set the options with.
In this module there exists support for iptables
on Linux.
There is structure for supporting any OS and firewall that Go supports.
There is also structure for supporting API calls to network or hosting providers, like AWS.
Code is licensed MIT
Copyright 2022 Andrew Hodel