A MySQL to H2 SQL conversion library written in Java.
Parse a MySQL dump and convert it to H2 statements either as an embedded library or as a standalone tool.
Next steps can include:
- clean up the interface to avoid Iterators
- implement other statements (SELECT, UPDATE...)
- provide samples for an on-the-fly conversion with datasource-proxy http://code.google.com/p/datasource-proxy/
Other ideas:
- look at jOOQ http://www.jooq.org/ to see if it can be used to model the DML statements and Liquibase http://www.liquibase.org/ for the DDL part
As a library:
private static void convertAndCreate(Statement stmt, String sqlDump) throws SQLException, ParseException {
Iterator<SqlStatement> sourceIterator = SQLParserManager.parseScript(new StringReader(sqlDump));
Iterator<SqlStatement> converted = H2Converter.convertScript(sourceIterator);
while (converted.hasNext()) {
On the command line:
java -jar lib/mysql2h2.jar demos/disconf-mysql.sql
mvn install
will generate the SQL parser and build an executable JAR.
This code is provided under the MIT license.