First Release
--tm1o cell set response that is recived from TM1
--attrs (optional). Object. Specify which attributes to use instead of element principal names. Property name is the dimension name and value is the Attribute name. For example, {'Year':'Financial Year','Employee':'Full Name','Version':'Description'}
--bFilter (optional). Boolean. If it's true then each object will include dimensions from filters. By default, filters are not included.
The final result will look as below. [ {"Employee":"Pamela Ansman-Wolfe O", "Period":"Year", "Sales Quota Measure":"Amount", "Scenario":"Actual", "TM1CubeValue":1199000, "Year":"2006"}, {"Employee":"Stephen Jiang Y", "Period":"Year", "Sales Quota Measure":"Amount", "Scenario":"Actual", "TM1CubeValue":389000, "Year":"2007"}, .... ]