The ajx namespace provides classes for all basic linear algebra vector/matrix needs. Initially designed for use by game developers
Installing ajx and all of it's libraries is easy. Just make a build directory, and run cmake/make/make install!
mkdir build; cd build
cmake -j4 .. && make && make install
Building the project requires the system to have boost
library installed, as well as a c++ compiler (g++)
You can run the test suite to make sure that the library is functioning. Individual tests can be found in /binaries/tests/
To run the full test suite, you can use make test
inside the build directory
Make sure to import the headers for the classes you are using, and use away! Examples are located in /src/examples
Once you compile the library, you can run the examples from the /binaries
#include <ajx/vec2d.h>
#include <iostream>
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
ajx::vec2d <int> velocity1 (10, 10);
ajx::vec2d <int> velocity2 (-15, 30);
ajx::vec2d <int> result = velocity1 + velocity2;
std::cout << "The added velocity is X: " << result.x() << " Y: " << result.y() << std::endl;
return 0;