my bspwm TokyoNight theme (on arch btw)
You can install them using YAY:
yay -S bspwm sxhkd picom polybar-git ly alacritty pcmanfm nemo fish starship gtk-engine-murrine rofi rofi-calc betterlockscreen brightnessctl lxappearance-gtk3 xclip maim xfce4-power-manager polkit-dumb-agent-git cava expac exa lsd cfonts ueberzugpp yazi-git lf trash-cli fzf unrar gnome-epub-thumbnailer selectdefaultapplication-git highlight rofimoji qpwgraph kvantum qt5ct qt6ct
Not yet (but just remember to change the keyboard layout in the bspwmrc file and maybe tweak the layoutswitcher script)
Here are some related projects