Systems Engineering Student at UNAH
Welcome to my GitHub, where you can find the source code for my projects. I've worked with various technologies to develop web applications.
If you're interested in learning more about my work or have any questions or suggestions, please feel free to contact me. I'm always open to new collaboration opportunities and committed to continuous improvement. Thank you for visiting my profile!
- My Resume:
I'm sharing my resume or Curriculum Vitae in case you're an employer and interested in working with me. Greetings!
I have experience working with technologies such as React, Vue, Go, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Bootstrap, Tailwind CSS, Oracle, SQL Server, and JavaScript.
Currently, I am learning and working on Fullstack Development with technologies including .NET, MS SQL Server, HTML/CSS, and JS.
package main
import (
func main() {
person := Person{
Name: "Angel Valladares",
Age: 26,
Height: 1.80,
Weight: 75,
Gender: Male,
Skills: []string{"Programming", "Front-End", "Back-End"},
Hobbies: []string{"Reading", "Listening to music", "Watching movies"},
fmt.Println("Hello, my name is", person.Name)
fmt.Println("I am", person.Age, "years old")
fmt.Println("I am", person.Height, "meters tall")
fmt.Println("I weigh", person.Weight, "kilograms")
fmt.Println("I am of the gender", person.Gender)
fmt.Println("My skills include:", join(", ", person.Skills...))
fmt.Println("My hobbies are:", join(", ", person.Hobbies...))
type Person struct {
Name string
Age int
Height float64
Weight float64
Gender Gender
Skills []string
Hobbies []string
type Gender string
func join(sep string, values ...string) string {
return fmt.Sprint(values[0], sep, values[1:])
- I enjoy running in the mornings, spending time with my family and friends, and watching TV series and movies.
- My favorite book and movie series is Harry Potter.
- I am a music lover, and my musical tastes lean towards Soft/Hard/Indie Rock. Some of the bands I listen to the most are The Strokes, Tame Impala, Cage the Elephant, and Arctic Monkeys.