My name is Vladimir Angirov. I study sofware development at 42Wolfsburg.
15 projects submitted, 5 exams passed
Project overview: [ press to unfold ]
Project | Short description (for details check the projects' readmes) |
Libft | Recode some funtions of the standard C library, linked lists, GNU gcc, GNU make |
ft_printf | Recode recode printf, implement variadic functions |
get_next_line | A function that returns next line, static variables, file descriptors, open()/close(), read(), memory management (Valgrind etc.) |
Born2beroot | This project aims to introduce you to the wonderful world of virtualization and system administration |
push_swap | This project involves sorting data on a stack, with a limited set of instructions, and the smallest number of moves. Algorithms, git submodues |
pipex | Program that imitates the pipe operator | of the UNIX shell. $> ./pipex infile "grep a1" "wc -w" outfile should behave like this shell command: $> < infile grep a1 | wc -w > outfile Multiprocessing, redirections, pipes, system programming, exec(), wati() |
fdf | In this project we learn computer graphics from scratch. A symple map has to be rendered into an interactive 3D ojbect that is rendered on the flat screen. 3D rendering, Bresenham algorythm, linear transformations (scaling, translation, rotation, projections: isometric, parallel) |
minishell | Create a simple shell (command line interpreter) that can execute commands from the $PATH , has several builtins (e.g. cd , pwd , echo ), can also pipe them and implements logical operators || and && . System programming, lexical analysis, parsing, redirection, here-docs, readline() |
Philosophers | Multiprocessing, multithreading, system programming |
C++ | Eight modules that will take us from C to C++ |
cub3d | Computergraphic (Raycasting). A game with a dynamic view inside a maze, in which one has to find the way. |
Inception | Develop a Docker compose setup for PHP/Wordpress, MariaDB, NGINX, redis |
NetPractice | Configure small-scale network. TCP/IP addressing, Routing, Subnetting |
Webserv | Build from scratch a C++98 compatible HTTP web server able to handle multiple client connections concurrently, process HTTP GET, POST, and DELETE Requests and create HTTP responses either by serving static files from a specified root directory or running CGI (Python) scripts for dynamic content. |
ft_transcendence | The final project of the School 42 core curriculum: a team of 5 students creates a full-fledged web app for the Pong game contest freely picking up a dozen out of 27 possible modules. |
- inception-of-things - set up small clusters (VirtualBox, Vagrant, K8s) and discover the mechanics of continuous integration (ArgoCD)
- ft_linux - build your own distribution which will be used in the next projects
- From Nand to Tetris
- libasm