This is a new social networking application 💻 , to provide users a way to earn some extra bucks 💰. Users will be able to find tasks(chores) 📝 of their liking, near them. Which they could then apply on by answering some questions/resume ❓ as asked by the creator of that chore. This application will give work to the person needing it, and will take the load of the creator's (creator of the task) mind.
I am proud to ask for some of the brilliant minds 😍 out there, to come and let's build this project together
- First things first, this app works with the backend 💻 which could be found here. You are requested to setup the backend as well.
- Considering, back-end set up and running 🏃.
- GET the IP address of your network to make requests 📮 to your backend.
- Copy the IP address and paste it this file where mentioned. In the format http://YOUR_IP_ADDRESS:3000/
- Now You are good to go open the project in ANDROID STUDIO and RUN 💙.