- Heroku Link : https://test-your-know-how.herokuapp.com/
- Features present in app
Short Demo - Youtube Link explaining the features (13 mins video) : https://youtu.be/yGLW6H00ojY
Free Youtube References that helped me develop this app
- Flask Fridays by Codemy.com https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Qxtt4veJIc&list=PLCC34OHNcOtolz2Vd9ZSeSXWc8Bq23yEz&ab_channel=Codemy.com
- Flask : Upload image to Database https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lg1k2klqkdQ&list=LL&index=17&ab_channel=CodeJana
- Modularizing flask application https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-BC3V1CUKpU&list=LL&index=12&t=56s&ab_channel=JulianNash
- Modularizing flask application https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=44PvX0Yv368&list=LL&index=11&t=988s&ab_channel=CoreySchafer
- Flask : Download a file as an attachment https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sy1MNWt7om4&list=LL&index=9&ab_channel=CodingShiksha
- Upload files to flask as attachment https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GeiUTkSAJPs&list=LL&index=8&t=384s&ab_channel=ArpanNeupane
- Build a timer with flask and javascript https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9YUy26jb33g&list=LL&index=7&t=766s&ab_channel=teclado
File structure
Login credentials to take the quiz as a normal user
- username : d1
- password : d1
Brief explanation of Relevant modules
- quiz/db_models
- init.py -> Import statement for db_models.py to work properly in modularized fashion
- db_models.py
- SQLITE DB is used for developing this app.
- This file holds the db definitions for Users, Questions, Quizlogs, Feedbacks tables.
- This also holds db definitions for temp storage - Quiztemp, Feedbacktemp
- quiz/feedback_template
- This folder has 2 files - fb_qn_logic.xlsx and fb_qn_statement.txt
- fb_qn_logix.xlsx -> This holds the logic to show next feedback question based on the response.
- For example if response to question 1 is correct then question2 will be displayed else question 7
- fb_qn_statement.txt -> This holds the feedback questions, responses, correct answer
- These files will be used in the feedback logic to take feedback on user experience.
- quiz/forms
- init.py -> Import statement for forms.py to work properly in modularized fashion
- forms.py -> Flaskforms are used in UI. This file holds forms for different pages of app.
- quiz/routes
- init.py -> Import statements for various route py files to work properly in modularized fashion
- error_page_route.py
- This holds the common error page logics - 404 and 500
- plagiarism_route.py
- Checks the questions uploaded for plagiarism based on cosine similarity
- Plagiarism score ranges from 0 to 1
- questions_route.py
- Have following functionalities in this module
- Add a question
- Deactivate a question so that question remains in DB but wont be considered for quiz
- Activate a question (that was already deactivated)
- Delete a question
- Edit a question
- Display individual question
- Display all the questions
- Download questions to questions.txt file
- Upload questions using a txt file
- Check the status of download and upload
- Have following functionalities in this module
- quiz_logs_route.py
- Each time a user takes a quiz, a log is created in QuizLogs DB
- This module shows the logs and deletes the logs (access only for admin)
- quiz_run_route.py
- This module starts the quiz and displays questions one-by-one
- Also times-out the quiz upon reaching the allowed time
- user_route.py
- Deletes, updates, adds a user
- quiz/static
- files
- This folder has the txt file for uploaded questions and downloaded questions
- images
- This folder holds the images required for questions involving images
- files
- quiz/templates
- Holds all the html templates used in UI
- quiz/utils
- init.py -> Import statements for various route py files to work properly in modularized fashion
- fn_utils.py
- save_image_qn -> Function to save the image as part of adding/editing questions
- extract_log_details -> Function to extract past quiz attempt details. Used in quiz_logs_route
- calc_save_quiz_score -> Function to calculate the quiz score upon attempting all the questions and save the details to Quizlogs DB
- remove_html_tags -> Function to remove html tags from a string
- temp_quiz_db -> Function to read/update temp_quiz DB.
- This temporary DB is used to save the questions, its answers and user responses during quiz
- prep_feedback_data -> Function to prepare feedback questions and control logic based on the response for each feedback question
- temp_fb_db -> Function to read/update temp_feedback DB
- save_to_feedback_db -> Saving the details to Feedback DB before logout
- create_qn_string -> Create a string separated by '|' for the question supplied in format - id|question|choice1|....
- create_qn_file_list -> Create a list with questions which will be written to 'questions.txt' file. This file will be downloaded by the user
- upload_qns_util.py
- save_qn_file -> Function to save the file that user uploaded as part of upload questions
- upload_file_process -> Function to process the uploaded file
- read_upload_file -> Read the uploaded file to a list
- qn_column_validations -> Validation of questions to check if desired formats are followed
- check_qn_exists -> Check if question exists based on qn-id supplied
- check_if_images_exists -> Check if images provided exists in stati/images folder
- update_record -> If validations are successful, update the question in database (existing question)
- add_record -> If validations are successful, add the question in database (new question)
- create_upload_response_file -> Create the response file for uploaded records
- quiz/init.py - Main init file for modularization
- login.py
- Holds following functionalities
- login
- logout
- perapring the feedback questions and control flow logic
- taking feedback and storing it while logout
- Showing initial home page
- show the feedbacks received (access restricted based on user roles)
- delete the feedbacks received (access only for admin role)
- quiz_run.py
- Initial module that launches the app
- .gitignore
- Files to be ignored while commiting to git
- Procfile
- Required to launch the app in heroku
- requirements.txt
- Necessary packages required to run this app
- users.db
- SQLITE database having various tables used in the app - Users, Questions, Quizlogs, Feedbacks etc.
- quiz/db_models